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Bounty Hunter - It's true, It's true


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Around the hectic time of this year's E3 announcements at www.Lucasarts.com/e3, Lucasarts had registered a game called Bounty Hunter, but sadly we got Monkey Island for PS2 instead for an announcement (a sham i tell you!). Well fear not JK2.net'ers, it's no longer a mystery.


Just read this at www.theforce.net:

Today, we were excited to get unofficial word about this game and new information about its release. Apparently, it will include several bounty hunters from Episode II amongst a larger cast of characters. In fact, details are sketchy about who else will be included and the exact release date, but we're expecting a middle/late 2002 target. No word on a platform of choice either, though LucasArts deal with Gamecube may be fulfilled here or possibly another X-Box exclusive title. LucasArts really hasn't pledged allegiance to any one particular system in the next generation console wars, so keep in mind it may appear on several systems.


I'm hoping this game is a FPS. If it is, I pray it's for the PC. If it's something else, I would say it should belong on the PS2. FPS games just don't compare on consoles. Can you imagine Jedi Outcast and Bounty Hunter, 2 FPSers in one year! :)

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Can you imagine Jedi Outcast and Bounty Hunter, 2 FPSers in one year!

sorry, but no, I cant

I really doubt Its a FPS for PC

The only possibility would be that they made one focused only in SP and the other in MP, but I dont see that in LEC short term plans (unless its an FPS addon for galaxies, but thats really improbable)

I imagine a 3rd person multi platform action/adventure game

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Well, Lucasarts has already announced an Ep2 console title, and I would think they would also make a Ep2 PC game as well.

Besides, when I think of Bounty Hunter's, I think of guns and lots of fighting. Somthing that seems to fit a FPS quite nicely.


I'm sure they will make a console 3rd person action/adventure game, but you would probably play a Jedi, not a Bounty Hunter.


[ November 09, 2001: Message edited by: Gabrobot ]


[ November 09, 2001: Message edited by: Gabrobot ]

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It's possible that Bounty Hunter will be a PC FPS type game, or maybe a crossover FPS/Adventure game. I'm guessing that Bounty Hunter is being produced based on the results of the internet survey LEC conducted earlier this year. Bounty Hunters were probably popular among survey respondents, and so LEC is going to cash in.


Too bad it's set in Episode II though... I like the Ep. 5 bounty hunters...


Would be awesome if Bounty Hunters' primary focus was multiplayer: Several different modes for guild v guild combat, such as assault, protect the princess, arena, survival, hijak, area control. All in the name of the almighty credit!

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I'd also love it to be a PC FPS...or even in the third person, I don't mind. A title like that would have a lot of scope and potential if developed properly.


However, as it is suggested that it might tie in to Episode II, I agree that it is probably going to be a console title. :(


If it was going to appear on the PC, I'd prefer it not to just be an MP game, though. I'd want SP too, where you can go on different expeditions, seek intelligence, plan your attack, lay traps for your target, plant homing beacons, rack up the credits and get more equipment between missions. And why not hunt down a Jedi or two along the way?


Heh...brings back memories of our discussions on OWK.net when Wilhuf first brought this to light. ;)

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Its still a rumour theres no way you could get screenshots. Damn we hardly get screenshots for JO and you want shots from a not announced game!!!

It won't be an add on for galaxies. They've already got a contract and bounty system set up for that.

What do you know??? Maybe its old news but I dont know much about galaxies, since I probably wont be able to play it


As simpson says I also hope Im wrong, a bounty hunter PC FPS with good mp would be great, but if we look back to the frequency of LEC FPS releases, It should be released about 2003-2004

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Yes it's good to see that there may be more substance to Bounty Hunter than our old friend Galactic Plumber Man, who turned out to be nothing more than a pod racer pilot...


I agree also that this may end up just another Ep. 2 console title. Although bounty hunting really belongs in a multiplayer online environment, IMHO. The proper setting for wheeling and dealing, forming guilds, smuggling cargo, espionage, hostage taking, running from the law, extortion, deceit...


... ah so much good, wholesome fun.

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It's an old obi-wankenobi.net forum goer joke..... I'll let someone like Wilhuf or Vagabond explain :)



Oh, and I have an unconfirmed rumour that the bounty hunter is going to be for X-box and PC, and also thats its not just called Bounty Hunter.



From a very unreliable source.... :)


[ November 12, 2001: Message edited by: GonkH8er ]

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I know some people are saying a game of this sorts belongs in an total MP environment, but I would prefer a Deus Ex kind of SP experience. You can't convey a dark, gritty, cut throat world that would be the SW Bounty Hunting life in a MP capacity, imagine all the brilliant story telling and gripping scenario's it could be if it were Deus Ex like, not a clone though, just certain elements. Perhaps that's just me.


[ November 12, 2001: Message edited by: Syndrix ]

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