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What......the.....(the title !!)

Guest Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Compa_Mighty

Episode II : The Clone Wars would be fine.

Anything would be better then what they had. I was trying to go for the same "feel" they invoke. "The Clone Wars" is good but it's a little bland....IMO of course :D

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I'm not sure if these has been said (it's hard to look when the board is acting sluggish) But how about;

Rise of Clones (I think this one has been said)


The Coming of the Clones?

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Maybe we'll all collectively wake up from a dream and its actually called something else. Hell even The Phantomer Menace would beat Attack of the Clones... or perhaps ... The Clone Wars ??

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Originally posted by Jake

Maybe we'll all collectively wake up from a dream and its actually called something else. Hell even The Phantomer Menace would beat Attack of the Clones... or perhaps ... The Clone Wars ??

What the?! Hey! Your a Grand Admiral! I've never seen you though, Hi! Your not like......Jackel...are you?

Anyway, yeah anything would be better...

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If this isn't some sort of gag, I'm really wondering if SW movies are degrading as more are made, well the prequels at least, look at ep I, the title was acceptable, but the movie was crappy in comparison with the original trilogy(except the graphics of course.) Now if episode II is as bad as it's title, there's definitly some sort of pattern.

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Guest TFNGuy

I originally thought simply 'The Clone Wars', but that's a good point, having Wars in their twice, so I thought of "Rise of the Clones". Now that sounds more like it.

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

I personally LOVE the title!! Honestly, what else could be better?


Well ... maby:


Episode II: Untitled

Fall of the Republic

Republic Downfall

Rise of the Sith

Galactic Supremacy

Republic Trechery

Clones, Clones, More Clones


Déjà Vu


If StarWars.com posted the news, Lucas isn't going to change his mind on the name. Our only hope is that the site got hacked.

TIE Guy now you not looking back. If you notice the first title on his list is untitled:D (it happens:D )

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Guest Dorsk8199

George George George what the heck is happening to you? Did he let his kids title this one or something. I think he must have been drunk, stoned or held at gun point to come up with something so corny. As we can already tell the people on these forums have come up with better titles. At this rate Lucas is going to have the third movie end with Darth Vader really being a clone of Anakin who died by turning his lightsaber on with it upsidedown. And that clone is more machine than man and more jar jar than Anakin. By the third movie Queen Amidala will be played by the annoying chick from Saturday Night Live (take your pick) and Obiwan will be played by George Cluney (spelling?).


I can think of a ton of stupid titles that still sound better. Episode II: the clone crisis, clone alone, E.T. clone home, the clonemeister, and my favorite "hey you look just like that guy". Sorry if some one else thought of these first. I hope George takes some time to make a new title. Remember Return of the Jedi started as Revenge of the Jedi then George changed it. So lets all hope.

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Remember Return of the Jedi started as Revenge of the Jedi then George changed it. So lets all hope.


I hadn't thought of that one... I wish I may I wish I might on the first star I see tonight that lucas doesn't lose his mind and make us all ATTACK HIM LIKE WOOKIE BERSERKERS!!!!...sorry I feel down:(

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Guest Dorsk8199

I just heard a great one. One guy in my office just said, "why don't they just get the guys from N'sync in the movie to complete the crapiness". Hahahahahaha that was so funny I wasn't even in the conversation, but it applied to exactly what I was reading about.

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i get the eerie feeling that IF this isn't a joke (I'm still hoping Lucasfilm will come out with a big 'gotcha' later this week), then Lucas must have done it a bit on purpose to steer clear of those taking SW very seriously. Sort of a counter-move, if you will...


I heard someone describe it as a title 'unworthy of a blockbuster'. They were exactly right.

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Actually, they called ROTJ 'Blue Harvest' to throw press off-guard and not get them near the site. they wanted to create the impression that it was a cheap B-movie they were filming..


Maybe if Lucas is SWAMPED with negative feedback will he rethink it. After all, they now argue that TPM also got slack. but i think it wasn't like this.

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Guest Tie Guy

Like you said Leo, i hope that they come out with a big "gotcha" later, but i think that if they do, it won't be cause they were planning it, but cause of all the negative feedback they got. You know, when they saw that the name sucked they decide to try to cover it up with "gotcha." Anwyays, all we can do is hope this is a big scheme to make people mad. :D

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