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yes, natalie portman is beautiful, and not only that but she's a damn good actress.


We see jar jar in this one. He's wearing a robe, and he's quiet, so we can assume he's more respectable and mature.


And Obiwan looks like he fertilised his facial hair.







**Zooming in shot of anakin standing on balcony with his back faced to us. Vaders breathing is heard.



** Amidala and 2 people move into the centre of a room, and Obiwan, Anakin and Jar Jar (all in robes) approach them from another direction


Obiwan - "It's a great pleasure to see you again m'lady"


They shake hands


Amidala - "It's been far too long master Kenobi......"


Shot of Amidalas face. She looks towards Ani.


"Ani?? My goodness you've grown"


"So have you. You've grown up beautiful.."


**Voice comes in before new scene

Ani and Obiwan on balcony - Coruscant


Ani - "Just being around her again is intoxicating"


Obi - "Be mindful of your thoughts anakin.. (3 shots of amidala) They betray you. You have made a committment to the Jedi order, a committment not easily broken"



Amidala - "Please dont look at me like that"


Ani - "Why not?"


Ami - "It makes me feel uncomfortable"


*pause* Amidala walks off


Ani - "Sorry m'lady"




Various shots. Corus. Tattooine (i think).



Lots more talk about love. they kiss... obiwan tells ani to be mindful of her. Amidala tells ani she doesnt want to live a secret life. blah blah




Ani and Amidala talking.


"its all obiwans fault. he's holding me back"


"youre not all powerful"


"well i should be. some day i will be the most powerful jedi ever"


---- *duel of the fates music starts*

speeder bike. ship through coruscant. r2. watto talking to ami and ani. clones boarding ship. obiwan (i think) fighting bounty hunter. c3po (finished sorta). naboo fighters. obiwan in dark cave with a beam of light on him. winged beast over a rainy water city scene. amidala on tatooine. ani (looking pissed off) on tatooine. yoda turning head. old shadow of anakin on tatooine wall, but hugging amidala. guy with red saber (dooku?). obiwan swinging through corusc on funny thingy. saber fights. ship fights. bounty hunter fights.




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Yep, Darth Tyrannus is his sith name. His is also known as Count Dooku. A political seperatist...or something like that.


My first reaction after seeing that trailer...F'ING AWESOME!!


The dialogue and acting looks greatly improved over TPM. Visual quality looks amazing, thanks to Lucas filming it digitially. The whole love story thing just might work now! From the few scenes in that trailer it looks very convincing...i mean how hard would it be for Haydn Christensen to pretend to love Natalie Portman.



Did anyone notice Anakin and Padme are chained up? Not wise to chain up the chosen one and his woman me thinks!! :mad:



[ November 16, 2001: Message edited by: Darth Lunatic ]

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Guest Rogue15

hehe obi tells anakin he learnt nothing! lol!!!


anakin:'i've learned this lesson before'


obiwan: 'You haven't learned ANYTHING, anakin'


hehehe i hope there's more action than the mushy crap tho. it looks like a cool movie, theed looks awesome.

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Guest Rogue15

i like how he sounds po'd at obi tho, 'someday i will be the most powerful jedi ever' now that sounds like the ani from tpm gone BAD. hehehehe

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Him being old is good. The sith are supposed to be secretive.


WE may assume that an apprentice is meant to be young, but thats is what makes him so great! Would you think an old duffer like that could be a sith?


He is kick ass at fencing so there might be more continuity and discipline rather than just being shown the basics by Mr Stuntman.



I've not seen any of the trailers yet and I am trying to avoid them till the film comes out. TPM trailers ruined it for me cos it looked soooo cool then it was a bit of a let down.



wardz (damn typos)


[ November 16, 2001: Message edited by: wardz ]

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PLEASE guys, no spoilers. You aren't supposed to say stuff without fair warning. Those details have not been released by the official site... please, give a spoiler warning.


I would be much angrier, but I was already unwillingly spoiled on the same damn subject, and it made me mad.


edit: just to clarify, this was directed at Lunatic.


[ November 16, 2001: Message edited by: OnlyOneCanoli ]

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