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help me guys.


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Well, its a long story and it involves another chick, but in short, i apologised for leaving my gf when we first stated out, and that ended up in me flukely back with her. i am soo stoked about this, and well, last night was alright. we went to a party, and she was slightly toasted, and la la la , the party goes on la la la anyway i walk round the corner to see this dood, who earlier saw her sittin gon my lap, so he knew what was going on, have her sit on his lap, and he was well hitting on her and **** then he looks at me and gives me this grin. any way i get this angry look on my face, (believe me i was pissed) and she looks up and sees me, and straight away stands up and starts looking away and saying catchya later to this dood. i walk off and start sitting in this chair next to my mate, and looking all serious and ****. my mate is a rower, so he is tanky as ****. anyway this ******* stolls over and starts talking to the chick who's party it is. my mate wants to bash him now, and so do i but he's not worth it. what should i do?

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first you need 5 to 10 gallons of nitric acid, some big knives, and a bathtub... oh, wait, i mean, dont ever get these things, that is the wrong way to handle it...



what did someone once say, "conclusion is only reached through confrontation" (sp?)... no, wait, confrontation is bad...



in fact, dont listen to me at all, all i have is bad advice.. you probably better stay away... :rolleyes:

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Well first of all u need a big stick! yeh one wild sitck! give it a moustache and then 2 eyes and a mouth. give it a naz...


Never mind.. what u need is a novelty sppon replica.. u heard me right! a spoon replica, first of all u jmp on to the ceiling light.. ok? and then when he's underneath u, u jump on him and rip him open and eat him!!!!!!! use ur spoorn replica to slowly gauge out the insides!!!!!

YEh u understand..?

Now go, GO


EDIT: random swearing :p

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i think i will just let it slide. he's not worth the effort and it might even piss off my gf. spewin. :( oh well



hey i still got some and he didn't :):)


*EDIT: btw thanks for the advice you guys, and maybe that spoon thing will come in handy later :)


[ November 18, 2001: Message edited by: Access_fluX ]

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well first if youve seen your girl with him like that,you know shes not trust worthy,id suggest finding someone else my friend seriously these types are trouble believe me.next get a nice wood bat,this isnt good advice but itll make you feel good ,so go bash 'im

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i know i can trust her, cause i sat down and had a talk to her. she explained her side, and i did mine, and yer, i am still thinking about whether to bash him or not. i don't thinki will, because that would piss a lot of my chick friends. oh well.


loaded shotgun? - hmm... sounds interesting

Spoon? - Definately consider it.

wooden bat? - don't tempt me :p



thanks d00ds



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