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Outlaws games...


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Talk of Outlaws in another thread made me remember I never actually got that game. I've just played through the demo again, and it's still a bit of fun.


Anyone know if it's still available? Especially in the UK? I've already tried...





and did a search on Google with little result. I even tried theunderdogs.org but it's not listed.


The second purpose of this post is to ask whether a sequel should be made? I think there is a serious lack of Western PC FPS games on the market. I think I read somewhere that there is a title in development...but everything else seems to be a mod.


Should there be an Outlaws 2?

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omg, Outlaws is near top on my fav list of games... sure its incredubly pixled, but the game is just fun as hell!! the music so complimented the game (even if it isnt so orig.) i just put it on my new comp, and im trying to figure out why i cannot move, can look, but not move, anyway, i played Outlaws about as much as JK, i loved the MP too, it was fast paced, close to JK... anyway, outlaws 2, should defently be made, though i doubt it will be... might have to get that mod...

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I installed and played Outlaws immediately after LEC released the D3D patch some weeks ago. Lots of fun!


I've seen Outlaws available for $9 or so in the game bargain bins at CompUSA and BestBuy. I would imagine one could find it discounted in an equivalent UK store. Should cost only a few Quid.


Yes, I think Outlaws definitely deserves a sequel.


[ November 18, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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