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Christmas Wishlists/Wishlists


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This may be a little premature, since christmas is a month's worth away, but still, what r u guys looking forward to?


I see AVP2,

ol' Giants: Citizen Kabuto,

Galactic Battle Grounds,

all disappearing from my stocking and filling my HDD. (And maybe some more stuff

that I missed during my recent campaign of BG2/BG2-TOB).


Anything that I absolutley must have guys?

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I would definatly get one if I was you. You can even get a cheap Geforce now, that are still amazing. I remember when I bought my Geforce 2 GTS it boosted my system a lot. At the time I had a P2 233Mhz with 64Mb Ram...........when i installed the Geforce 2 i could run Elite Force best graphics which really needed a P2 450MHz 128MB Ram.....I sure did notice the difference in performance :)

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Ah sorry, didnt realise that...but at least you have my story.... :)...when JK2 comes out i'll probably be able to upgrade...but all my computers the best at the moment....it wont be that way for long though the way things move on and change......im not very good at moving with the times though :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by micsn peep:

I have a motherboard. But it is quite old and has an intel 486 sx processor, and no modem.


:eek: Methinks you need an upgrade! j/k


I'm sure you mean you have one spare? Or is that installed in your PC?


Sometimes I wish I'd never got rid of my 486...some of my older games won't run properly on my current system. :(


[ November 25, 2001: Message edited by: StormHammer ]

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