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WOW, I'm really impressed with this game. I haven'thad a chance to try MP yet, so I'm referring to the SP portion.


First off, I have a P3 866 256MBRAM GeForce2GTS - soon to be AMD1.6 512RAM GeForce3TiT. I ran this game at full potential with no problems at all. This game has some HUGE environments. For those of who who are worried abut how the Q3TA engine handles outdoor levels, you need to check this game out.


I know JK2 will be different, but it's basically the same engine and I'm very happy with it. I can see JK2 having environments as big as or bigger than JK.


The atmosphere in this game is among the best of all FPS's. The AI is challenging, but I don't think it will hold a candle to JK2, moslty because of the hit-location damage system that will be in SoF2 and JK2.


My confidence level in JK2 just doubled. :D

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Originally posted by darthraptor52:

<STRONG>I'm not sure if my PC's good enough anmore, I brought it one and a half years ago now...</STRONG>


Yea, it is really annoying. And with games like Max Payne comming out where you need the latest PC to run it best graphics it gets kinda worrying :(

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Luckily for me, i'll be upgrading soon


What is your pc's spec, CaptainRAVE? [edit]And yours if ya like Termie [/edit]


Here's mine at the mo-


Athlon T-Bird 800

Epox EP-8KTA mobo

128MB PC133

32MB nVidia TNT2


To be upgraded to-


>>smug bast*rd warning<<


AthlonXP 1900+

nForce420 mobo (probably)

512MB PC2100

Radeon 8500 or GeForce3 Ti-500 (which do you reckon's best?)


Cheers m8,




[ November 22, 2001: Message edited by: Wacky_Baccy ]

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RTCW is currently top of my wanted list...but I've got a few other priorities at the moment. My anticipation level has just gone into critical....aggghhhh! :mad:


Just for anyone interested, here's my specs:


Athlon T-Bird 850Mhz (running at nearly 900Mhz)

256Mb PC133 RAM

Chaintech 7AJA MoBo

VisionTek GeForce 256 32Mb DDR

Detonator 21.81 drivers

Win 98 SE


The only problems I've had are running certain games in D3D - mostly those based on the Unreal engine. So I think I'll need an upgrade before I try Unreal II. ;)

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$70 for the collector's tin version. Since my mom and my cousin got me Ghost Recon, I returned one and payed $20 more and got the tin. All it really is is a tin case that's pretty cool, a small poster, and some patch you could put on a jacket so people think you're a Nazi!!!


Anyway, the game blew me away. I haven't has this much fun gaming since Max Payne, and before that not many things come close. It's a blast to play, and I hope it stays that way. And I'm dying to play the DoD-styled MP flag point thingie.


Oh, Agen, I have seen at least one that I remember. I'm pretty sure it is in the second mission.


[ November 23, 2001: Message edited by: OnlyOneCanoli ]

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