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So...Star Wars Galaxies is coming out. MMORPG/fps, if you actally plan on being violent, like I am. What life are you going to take?


As for me, when the space expansion pack comes out, I hope to own a fleet of some significant size...What about you guys?

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they are being nazis, and limiting the amount of jedi allowed, because there isnt supposed to be that many in SW, so, if you want to be a jedi, you sign up for an account, and i guess they pull accounts at random to be jedi....if many people want to be mercenarys they might end up doing it for them too....oh well

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For freshing up on your Jedi knowledge. I think they said they won't do anything at random.


Judging from the comments from most players, I don't think we'll have any shortage of the smuggler/mercenary type player.

I'm thinking of going into law-enforcement because of this. Lotsa targets... ;)

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going back to the original post hya, im still trying to decide which life i would want to take. knowing me, ill make a character for each of these in my account (im still not sure what the whole deal is on #characters and #accounts, since this is going to be my 1st RPG and MMORPG for that matter)


Jedi- this is the #1 choice for me right now, because, obviously, ill be a Jedi. although i know they will be randomly selecting Jedi, in a way. you see, they are going to give a random account a certain "force potential". all of its explained in the FAQ, i think.


Shop owner/Craftsman- this is actually my #2 choice, because i always thought it would be cool to build droids and weapons, and all that techno mumbo-jumbo, so this is the closest i can come to that


Bounty Hunter or Mercenary- these are tied in #3, because, they are just about the same thing. ill most likely go with this one, since its going to be really hard to become a Jedi, and probly will be hard to become a master craftsman as well, we'll just see what happens.


PS- if you see Jimi-Wan Danobi (i know, lame name) in Galaxies, dont try anything, ill get mad and log off, HAHA!!! oh, wait....

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I'm gonna own a bar on Nar Shaddaa where I'll deal in information I hope. As well as have Sabac tournaments and stuff, but mainly provide info on where to find people and that sorta thing. I mean, with all these mercs about the place, someone's going to have to tell them where to find/get some action. :D

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In SWG the Jedi won't be randomly picked 'cause everybody would just create-delete his character until he gets a force sensitive one. To limit the Jedi the development team decided that it will be very difficult for a player to become a Jedi Knight or Sith.

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Guest ZeroXcape

Boba Rhett: you can be a human which can eventually lead you to become a jedi, but you just select "Jedi."

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Guest Sherack Nhar

I, for one, do not hope to be a hero in that game like many others do. I know that there will be a lot of people per server, so how could this be possible?. Therefore, I do not expect/want to be a Jedi, a fleet commander or a smuggler (too much of them).


Instead, I'll try to be imaginative. Since Naboo will be included in the game, I suppose that many people will organise "Gungan-killing night parties". Maybe I could try to protect the Gungans.


Maybe I will try to hire people in the Alliance. Through Politics, or simple Diplomacy skills. Mmh... Politics... Maybe I could try to help someone build a city. Be the mayor's assistant.


Or, if I'd want some more action, I could hunt Krayt Dragons in the Dune Sea! And when the space expansion will come out... oh, the possibilities! :eek:


You don't need to be a Jedi or a smuggler to enjoy this game. Let's be creative! Let us be hairdressers to shave Wookiees and Bothans! :D


[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: Sherack Nhar ]

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Your right Aragon, they are going to make it extremely hard to become a Jedi. But, i could have sworn that the team said that they would be doing that force-potential thing that i posted earlier. I thought they said that you wouldnt be able to see your force potential when you create a character, so thats how they would be limiting Jedi in the game. I may be wrong though.

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I changed my mind. I'm going to produce droids. My droids will be built and programmed by...other droids that I built personally. After a while, when my line of droids becomes widely used(i can only hope), they will all "malfunction" and come back to me for orders. I'll be rich and have a vast army!

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Like Jakal, i usually don't get too interested in games of this genre. Since its Star Wars, I will get envolved and pursue the life of a Jedi. Although the FAQ on the SWG web site stated that it will be difficult for players to become a jedi, everyone will have the opportunity, even casual or less hardcore gamers. I just hope its extreamly difficult, as the challenge alone will keep me interested. I can only hope it will be a risk and reward method, were you may invest allot of time, or accomplish allot in a short time, and still fail because you did something wrong....if so, I can re-start and pursue the life of a Wookie...he.he.he..he.

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Maybe you are right Jimi-Wan and there is an update about the game that I have missed.

The game is evolving fast and news come out every day so I can't be 100% sure but I believe later word has it that everyone will be able to become a jedi.

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