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You'll all probably kill me for my stand point, I wish to voice it none-the-less, I figure being in Australia will increase my life span only marginally! ;)


Anyway, my point: In effect, a virus such as AIDS is assisting us. "How the hell?" I hear you all scream at your computers. Simple, preventing over-crowding. Our population is ever increasing, simly because we can adapt to all sorts of environments. So diseases such as AIDS and Cancer are preventing us from completely drowning the world in humans. Also, all the research put into cures, whilst unsuccessful in it's ultimate goal, has discovered many other things on the way. Like matt said, research into things like nanotechnology leads to other areas also.

War was also mentioned. Like diseases it has many helpful points :rolleyes: . For starters, how many millions died during just WWII? How many children would they have had by today? How much larger would the worlds population be, and how much more strained would our resources be?

Not to mention Nazi medical research. Whilst highly illeagal, it discovered so much about the human body that we didn't previously know, or only theorised about.

Like the balance that Vagabond spoke of, it happens on a world wide scale, probably even universal. But because of out adaptiveness we can avoid it, but even that, in it's own way, is leading to an ultimate balance, even if it means the destruction of earth. Possibly the Earth is a point of inbalance, so in order to re-balance the universe, the Earth must be destroyed. I'm not a pesimist, don't get me wrong, just exploring a theory.

So, possibly we'll not find a cure for AIDS untill such time as it's viable for the balance, or once again we may cheat the systems, and bring ourselves closer to seemingly inevitable doom?


I'll guess we'll wait and see... ;)


LOL, I knew an edit in a post this long was inevitable. But it was only one mistake!



[ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: Letalis ]

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Guest Kurgan

Well it's a toss-up, either you help people (and eat up scarce resources, etc), or you let them suffer and die and do nothing.


It's kind of a gray issue, but I think I fall on the "help people" side of the argument.


Some people say that stuff like war, disease, etc are inevitable. I feel that there may be just enough of that stuff that happens "naturally" that we don't need to encourage it any, if you get my drift.


And whilst we talk about population control, I think it's fair to say that there is a lot of MIS-management and MIS-allocation of resources in the world that would solve a lot of our problems if we could get past them (for example people starving in my own country, supposedly the richest nation on earth).




[ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Letalis does have a point. But the problem is the Asia continent where unfortnately they would rather not take precautions and subsequently they are having children at a very fast rate. MUCH higher than the number dying.


Europe has a decreasing population and Africa has an epidemic with aids.



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Sorry Krugan, I didn't mean to sound as if I was encouraging those things, I'm really not. My point was, like you said, they're inevitable, but are keeping the population down. But slowly we're managing to avoid or shorten them, which is causing imbalance, know what i mean?

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But the problem is not so big in the US or China and other countries with enormous population. In Africa though it is more like a plague. People there are dying by great numbers. AIDS is a problem that cannot be seen as a solution by any way you decide to look at it.

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The UN estimates that the AIDS/HIV positive rate in Botswana is currently about 39%. If unchecked, this could literally mean the extinction of that country in only a few decades. Mafia_Jabba's assessment about either kill AIDS or be killed by it may be true for that country.

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No... I hope you're joking Torment. Ever watch one news program in your life or read one magazine? Something about this has been said. Certain people in Africa are somewhat immune, and as of now I'm too lazy to look it up. Be prepared for some truth. :)

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Originally posted by Aragorn:

<STRONG>AIDS is a problem that cannot be seen as a solution by any way you decide to look at it.</STRONG>


Cannot be seen as a solution, that's true, but it's more of an unwanted solution. The fact is it's happening, many people are dying and it's causing great pain and anguish. :(


But in a twisted way it's doing us a favour. It's doing what we're incapable of, and that is looking after us on a grand scale, looking far into the future. We're incapable of comprehending that. As far as we're concerned, the world no longer matters when we're dead. So we're not afraid to abuse rescources, or to over-populate. AIDS is temporarily preventing us from destroying ourselves.

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Originally posted by -WD- ToRMeNt:

<STRONG>believing everying you read is a bad idea. If you get AIDS you will die from it, simple as that.</STRONG>


Both of your statements are suprisingly true.


But, I'm gonna be more trusting to big news corps then you. I'll probably look it up later tonight.


Yes, if you do get AIDS, you will die from it. However, if you're immune the virus never gets the chance to cause full-blown AIDS.

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Making an AIDS vacine is exceding difficult do to the many variations of the virus. A vacine which gives one high resistance (I hate to say immunity) to the more common strains has been in devolopment for some time. Im not sure on where this project stands, but Id guess it's still a ways off.


I also recall hearing something regarding new and more deadly strains being found in Africa.


It's possible that someday AIDS can be classified as a chronic rather than fatal disease, but only (expensive) drugs.


It's true that in certain areas of the world, the entire human population is in danger of being wiped out by he virus within this century.


Even worse, it could well mutate (or more strains could be be discovered). AIDS (or some form of it) will be with us for some time to come.

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Goddamnit, you people are such pesimists!


Whilst yes, there is a chance large portions of the population may be wiped out, there's also a chance that there'll be a major break through in cure research and within the century, most of the world's population is cured. :D

Either is a possibility!

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Those are some ugly prostetutes lol. No wonder why they don't have AIDS LMAO. Hehe j/k. On the serious side now...


Sounds interesting, though im still a bit skeptical. Whether this is true or now, science is still years away from being able to use genetics to treat illness, especialy on such a large scale.

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Guest Kurgan

Doesn't that just sound like a pervert's dream though? Think about it "Prostitutes that are immune to AIDS!" (ie: now you can go visit the whorehouse since you'll be safe! 'course they could still be carriers).


Anyway, that's a sad and sordid subject...


; p



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