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anyone looking for a good game of JK1....


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Guest Kurgan

Ah yes, the classic "abbreviations."


Observe, newbies.. ; )


FF = Full Force (as in "any force you want to use" usually means Force Level 8)


NF = No Force. Either Force Level 0, or you just don't use any powers.


Guns = Usually means you use everything but sabers.


Sabers = Just sabers. Fists out usually means "don't attack me" (peace).




[ August 11, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Guest Rogue15

oasis is awesome if u have force speed and force jump to a max!!! u can jump on top of that catwalks from all the way on the ground!!!!!!

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oasis is an ff level.

oasis and any of its mods piss me off for nf tbh, it was the part of jk I could never get in to, I got into nf sabs a bit when there was a large ff drought, but ff guns imho is where jk truely shines.


Trick jumps are great, the oasis little strafe jumps and things are cool..

although for real trick jump goodness all hail q2. cricle jumping, strafe jumps, bunnyhops mmm p33r. Q3s engine has the bugs but as not bugs, as proper features.. I really hope they leave them on in jk2, cause frankly jk force speed bunny hopping (proper bunny hopping, wif strafes and circles) will be quite frankly madness, specially wif force jump at the end to send you straight accross the map and end up as a small splat on the wall.. :D

but hey fun fun fun..

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Guest Kurgan

IMHO, the stupidest "rule" I've ever heard of is "leave backpacks."


I mean WTF is up with that? I killed you and I can't pick up the stuff you dropped? LAME!


I would refuse to play on a server that had that rule. ; p


Heh.. and sabers for peace sounds a little goofy. Why not have fists? A saber is a weapon after all...



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Guest Boba Rhett

Oh jeeez, the leave packpack rule brings back bad memories. You killed them, why should they get their weapons back? And then if you do pick theirs up, they insist on you killing yourself so they can have them back or they boot ya. :mad:

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I was kicked from many Zone games in my past from the dreaded backpack rule. I concur-that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


And I played JK tonight, possibly for the last time barring if I ever play it in a few years just for the hell of it. Just can't compare to what's out there now, imo.

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Guest Rogue15

i prefer the valley of the jedi tower. probably my favorite mp level in jk.


I found something really neat, i get on that tower near the end (the 1 with the door that won't open) and i force jump up on it, and wait for someone, then i force jump and while in the air, i force destruction them, and if i'm lucky, they'll fall off the catwalk b4 i land. it's AWESOME sabering up there though, scary tho when someone uses force destruct and blows u off the tower and u miss the catwalk on u way down. :D

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