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Sith or Jedi....


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UBB is just a collection of perl scripts, I think. They could be modified.


Example profile:

<--profile crap-->



aim screenname:---

Dark/Light<form><input type="radio">Dark<input type="radio">Light</form>

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MadPoster, you really have too much free time! ;)


As for Jedi or Sith, I personally like being a Jedi Knight, but I can understand that others would like other things to explore. But once you've decided, you shouldn't be able to change! ;)

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Originally posted by Letalis:


MadPoster, you really have too much free time! ;)


As for Jedi or Sith, I personally like being a Jedi Knight, but I can understand that others would like other things to explore. But once you've decided, you shouldn't be able to change! ;)</STRONG>


You should be able to change from Dark Jedi...Luke did, but you shouldne be able to change if you decide on Sith.

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