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Pentagon bombed...

Guest Boba Rhett

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Guest Krayt Tion

Heavy implications any way we look. I can only understate that.


I'm trying to think justice, but I'm not just not sure what that is or what that should mean for us. Either way, more people are going to be killed here.

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It is 10am here in Perth Australia, and it seems like this is all a dream. I woke this morning to see a plane crash into the Trade center tower, and now everyone at school is in a state of Shock, we can't belive it. we have a friend who is an official at the Embassy in NY, and a girl at my school's Dad is in washington at the time. god help us all. i hope you with family at the attack sites are all ok. good luck.


[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: Access_fluX ]


[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: Access_fluX ]

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Go Vag!


*Hands out little American flags*


I wouldn't go with the Nuking option though.


-=5 easy steps to winning a war=-

1: Assassinate leader

2: Wait for someone else to be installed as leader

3: Assassinate new leader

4: Bomb strategic military bases

5: Invade

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America is not allowed to assassinate people, which is a major problem that needs to be amended. Now.


I am completely against nuclear weapons being involved. Not all Muslims are evil. They have their rather large share of radical lunatics, just like any other group. There are radical Christians and Jews, but not quite as severe. This is not completely religious either. They are upset about years and years of what they view as unfair political treatment, especially giving the holy land to the Jews.


If it was between a nuke and an invasion/losing a million American lives, then I can see nuclear weapons. Otherwise, it is just complicating matters further.


In Bush's speech, the most important line, at least to me, was We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them. They better start praying to Allah 10 times a day, rather than 5.

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Point taken. But I cannot understand how a regular missile would not get our point across and destroy necessary targets and kill the important leaders. No need to make it impossible to live in those areas hit for years.


In my mind, regular missiles are powerful enough to get the job done. No need to kill more relatively innocent people than you need to.


I'm not saying that I agree with the terrorists. That is far from the truth. I think they should burn and suffer horriffic deaths similar to what they did unto American citizens today. But nuclear weapons are unnecessary, imo.

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I think I just heard something on the radio on the way home that they might be able to pin-point what seat the terrorist that made a phone call was in. I know it seems out there, but that's what I heard.


And only a coward of a "nation" would do this. It doesn't cost them any money to hijack planes with knives (that was also just confirmed) and yet look what they did. (There's also a good chance that explosives were set in the buildings, but still this is all cheap.) They know that they could never stand their ground for a day against the US and UN.


One part of me says that it's just not the right thing to do to retaliate and just nukem all. BUT, we do need to show those no-point-in-life-oil-hoarding-b*stards that the US doesn't take sh|t from anyone. ESPECIALLY when the target is civilians.


I just want these cowards to show their ugly heads and take the punishment that they deserve. (Even though no punishment under our control would ever do them justice.)

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First of all, actually living in a history book moment is somewhat unnerving. I really can't comprehend all that is going on right now. It's just too much. The only thing I can relate it to is the stories I've heard about the JFK assassination. People just standing in shock, not really knowing what to do or say. School today was just a joke. You couldn't learn, you couldn't leave. At any rate, the reason I really posted was:


I have a lot of respect for President Bush now. He felt it necessary to address the nation from the oval office instead of in a protected bunker. I think that not only adds to America's statement of freedom and the fact that we can overcome anything, but it adds to his personal character. Up until now, I wasn't quite sure about our new president, but now I've got the upmost confidence in his decisions. I know that he's got the right outlook on this whole incident, and the right moralistic attitude. I may regret saying this, but "I'm proud of you President"

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Yes im from Australia as well. This is a most disturbing chain of events.


I was watching a documentary on a Muahmmed ALi fight, when it was interuppted with this terrible news. Soon enough every channel was getting broadcasts directly from American TV. CNN, CBS etc. It was a surreal sight, shock and horror are two words that could be used to describe my feelings.


I feel for the thousands of people who have lost their lives and for the families of those victims.

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Sympathies to all those killed/injured in the attacks, and all their friends and relatives.


I have to say, however, that I think it's time to take a deep breath and look at this whole trajedy with as calm, rational and objective eyes as we can. Losses need to be counted, the damage assessed and all courses of action (both military and non-military) given full consideration before any action is taken. We have to be absolutely certain who did this and why before we rush into anything we might regret later.


I, for one, refuse to condone any action my government or any other government takes in retaliation unless they have first proved beyond reasonable doubt that they are striking at the right people. Personally, I couldn't live with my conscience if I supported an action which turned out to have been directed at the wrong people, particularly if innocent civilians were killed as a result.

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Im from new zealand and waking up to fin that this had happened about the time i went to bed was sickening, i havnt been able to move from the tv watching cnn and nbc and any other news channels i can get, its just sickening, its almost like a movie.. cept a movie has slow mo crashes, and no director is sick enough to show peeople waving their arms out of a building seconds b4 it collapses, my sorrow goes out to all the victims families and those involved, and I hope justice is done. have to say president bush hadnt impressed me up till now, but his speach was excellent and although i doubt this will cause ww3, i hope this does the opposite and brings many nations and religions together to stomp out terorisim.

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This incident is going to test American and allied resolve. It looks more and more like the US is now at war with faceless cowards. According to George Bush, if these faceless cowards enjoy state sponsoship or 'harbor,' that harboring state will be treated as would be the terrorist.


The American response will certainly test the willingness of democracies to accept civilian casualties in 'terrorist harboring' states, even if they are innocent. The sad reality of war is that innocents get killed. Someday it will be time for those responsible to 'reap the whirlwind,' as one infamous British military strategist said back in WWII.

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I guess what I believe is that I'd much rather seen the band of terrorists and their leader(s) rounded up and tried before a war crimes tribunal, rather than us rashly bombing the crap out of whatever country they are hiding out in.


But I agree, any country that would protect and hide these murderers can't be called our friend.



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Yes that is true Kurgan, but the problem then becomes what if they do have state sponsorship, from a country like Iraq (note that that is just an example). You cant just bring the terrorists that perpetrated that attack to justice, that wont do. If there is backing, so to speak, then to let it go unpunished would perhaps invite the further funding of terrorists, at the least it would not deter future sponsorship.


It seems also that the intelligence and law enforcement community is consolidating itself and regrouping, no immediate action is likely and so no rash bombing are likely to occur. If any bombing does occur in the future I think it will be well planned and targeted at those deserved of it, even if there are some innocent casualties, as is often unfortunately unavoidable.

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