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The new site design.

Guest Boba Rhett

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Guest Boba Rhett

Wow. Just thought I'd congratulate you guys on a job well done. The new layout is fabulous and it loads faster for me. What does everyone else think of it?

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Guest Rogue15

yay i'm allowed back in. next time before anybody bans me TELL ME WHAT I'M DOING WRONG. I hate being banned for what seems like 'no reason at all'. If i had banning capabilities at roguesquadron.net I'd be nice to the members and just edit their posts and tell them that whatever they did isn't allowed and if they did it again, they'd get banned for 1 day.


Yes, i like this site.

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Guest Krayt Tion



I have only been on the job for a day and there was a period where Vagabond was justifiably busy attending to his family duties. I will investigate your claims by the time the night is through, expect to hear from me later. You have been heard, so it would be proper of you did stop inquiring about this matter in multiple threads as we can now discuss this over email.


Back to the topic at hand, the new site layout is defintiley an improvement in my book. The menus of both sides really make the main page feel more homely, and the new vader graphic gives off much more energy and attitude.


Some people in the Valley have offered their input on the matter here so don't miss that. Most seem to like it.


[ August 06, 2001: Message edited by: Krayt Tion ]

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Well done lads, good work.


apart from one tiny thing that bugs me and thats the JEDI KNIGHTII.net text,


it just doesn't look right to me.


why dont you make something like this, to incorporate the star wars effect




apart from that, the site is the muts nuts.




[ August 06, 2001: Message edited by: wardz ]


[ August 06, 2001: Message edited by: wardz ]

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