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Heydi HO!!


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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Sorry all out of gifts....have to order some new ones in.

You know like those chocolate medallions....and ofcourse fruit-baskets....pies in the shape of Darth Vaders helmet....lets see what else?? :D

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sho, joo wanna be a jk foowum membah huh punk?


Welcome to the forums. At least you haven't had about 30 posts wiped from you account. : )


I think you'll find we are a pleasant bunch. (of nutters)






(EDIT: have the clocks not changed yet? I posted in tech help about it being an hour fast, I am not sure if they have deleted after they saw it or if it is because of the mess with deleting posts)

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Hey, hey, hey, I admit, I stole some gift baskets in my time, and have pretty much taken over Rhett's troll run basket making facility, although there are still a few pockets of resistance. I'll have to break out the big guns :atat::ewok: But, I have never bootlegged those medallions. Stole, yes, but I only rob from the rich to give to the newbies. Besides, my baskets have both the meaning of life and what to say to a girl along with various other chocolate goodies, so, I have no use for the medallions. When I sent those out with my baskets, they were sent back in disgust. :D So, thank you, but I have never booby trapped your medallions. I am just reporting what I've seen. :p Hee Hee

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