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Best looking army?


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My vote has to go to the trade fed.....they look great all lined up.


Gunguns have to be the worst for me....apart from there mechs which admittidley are cool they look terrible, there buildings look like my turds after a night out on the booze!

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Gungans navy looks good but the Nabood sucks more. Man i totally hate the Naboo they dont deserve to be in the game. Trade Federation has the best looking army I agree.

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Guest BountyHunter

The best is the Empire. I love their buildings and mechs. Who doesn’t love the StormTroopers(cept maybe my enemies) in both original recipe and extra "Dark"?


The gungans :rolleyes:


Let just be thankful we don't have those damned ewoks.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

You are so funny Captain Drake!!! The Vongs are a species that invaded the new Republic and beating their butt badly they just took Courscant from them. Read the Books my friend

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I'd have to say the Empire has the coolest looking army.


nothing like TIEs + AT-ATs + AT-PTs + AT-STs. <== gotta love it.


i mean, all the other civs like the w00kies and Rebels have these gay little speeders as mechs... i like the whole walker thing. :atat: ---- :ewok:

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Guest Supreme Warlord

That is right Dr. Evil!!! NABOO SUCKS!!! they may have okay art but still after a while looking at it you end up hating it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

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