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Zone IS Retarded


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I just wanna play some fricken JK. Is the zone not working for anyone else?


I must say the Zone is among the worst sites on the http://WWW. I'm always having problems with it. And now they are gonna change the log in process AGAIN! Great thinking Microsoft. Screw it up even more.


PLEASE tell me JK2 will not use the gayest site on the net!


Lets attack it! Die Zone Die!:mob:

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The Zone.................ROFL


Last time i was there, Starlancer had been out a week in the UK..............geez that was a long time ago !


Well I won't be going back either, I hope someone who has a vauge clue about gaming sets up some JKII servers.:atat:

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1) JK came out in 1998, kinda hard to be playing the mp for 4 years


2) XWA came out March 1999, kinda hard to be playing it longer than JK as well....


I never realised razers were so bad Kwup... I feel sorry for u.. much more dangerous that eccies anyway.... or was it LSD?

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Sorry Kwup


Should I have said.........


I got a US imported copy of JK in 1997......hence 4 years


I have been playing X Wing games since X Wing vs Tie in 1997.......hence 4 years


Sorry to have confused yer over- analytical mind :D


geez, u guys are accurate

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