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Essential Ideas for an expansion pak (Gaber please read)

Guest PhantomMenace

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Guest PhantomMenace

WHat's up all? How's the gaming going. Well i must say that i have been continually playing SWGB! What a great game! I just cant seem to get enough, and i really hope the guys at lucasarts are planning to make a cool expansion pak for this. I have some suggestions below on what i think would make a ridiculous(as in good) expansion pak! But first let me make a comment about the recent review rating that was given to SWGB in the recent issue of PC GAmer magazine. First off i have learned that a lot of times what PC Gamer puts in there magazine IS biased; especially towards any company besides their biggest asskissers, being Bio-Ware software and Blizzard! Just take Everquest for example. Everquest has probably become the biggest computer game in the history of electronic gaming!!! No other game has generated more money; become more popular or has created a bigger fan base and community on the internet than that game. Almost everyone i know lives by that game but yet, PC gamer went all out to find and point out any error they could about it, and when they do their all time greatest game awards thingy, they always put Everquest low on the list and guess what....they will put Diablo, Diablo2 and Baldur's Gate higher above the list. For starters those games are all linear and the quests, and battles never ever change and there a host of other things i dont have time to get into, but you get the point. THe bottom line is that PC Gamer has its nose so far up Bio-Ware's and Blizzards butt that they cant even see the sun shinning. THis is a great game. It has become commonplace in this industry to borrow or liscense other game engines...people use Quake 3 and Unreal engines all the time. THis is a good game but they tried to make it seem like Lucasarts did somethign underhanded or malicious. I have learned to only look in pc game magazines for screenshots and release dates. Now here are my suggestions for expansion pak. I really hope htat Gary Gaber see's this.


*As for additional races i think it should be Mon CAl cause everyone seems to want them, Transdoshan cuz you already have a good deal of their art done, and lastly this will surprise you but i say Bothan. THink about it...it could be a civ with all kinds of stealth units that suit thier stealthy spy background. THe stealth element was not used nearly enough in this game, they could have stealth fighters , tanks and covert ops unit as their special unit that could plant explosive charges on buildings like Tanya did. THis would greatly increase the need for detector units and make this element more useful than it is. Trust me put Bothans in as a civ. Besides they are like wookies, nobody knows much about their military so nobody could question you on units, plus with them as a playable race in Star Wars Galaxies the world is ready for the Bothans.


*More attention needs to be paid to wake effects of naval units. All they do is glide across the waves unaffected by the tide and currents of water. They need to bob and sway a little for a touch of realism. THe same needs to go for air units. Also make water units make bigger splashs and churn up some serious foam to make it more realistic. You havea 2d engine here you need to go all out on making it look as real as possible to effectively compete with the 3d guys.


*Utility Trawlers should be able to repair naval units...or maybe they already do...i'm not sure..hehe


*All Gungan naval units should be able to submerge. Maybe some not move while submerged but htey all should be able to submerse themselves and "hide" from other units.


*Too many units are detector units. WHy are mounted troops and frigates able to detect. Players will make masses of these types of units and this makes your stealth units almost worhtless.


*There needs to be an anti-trooper heavy weapon. The slow Artillery's dont cut it and artillery's are mostly inteded for buildings. There needs to be a weapon that does what the scorpion(i think that was the name) did in age of empires. You know the balista units that shot big arrows real fast to cut down troops and such. I think that would round out the Heavy Weapons caste and would actually make a heavy weapon that could effectively support other heavy weapons.


*How bout making an Interceptor class. A class of aircraft that does what the Devourer and the Valkrye did in Starcraft. You know a ship that was unable to attack ground units but was powerful and effective against taking out other aircraft. This is just another excuse to add more units, you can never have enough units. Especially something as practically usefull as this.


That's about the most i could think of. This really is a well rounded game this pure fun to play. But if all else PLEASE ADD THE BOTHANS AND GIVE THEM STEALTH UNITS BECAUSE THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH STEALTH UNITS IN THIS GAME.

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Hey, I like the interceptor class idea menace, but not the too few detectors. I can't seem to use a stealth unit, at least not witha civ I tried. Are they detected by buildings like the fortress. Anti- trooper weapon is like the droideka, the darktrooper, the heavy strike mech, or the heavy assault mech. I like the gungan idea too. Some nice points you have phantom.

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Originally posted by WC_heavyarms

Hey, I like the interceptor class idea menace, but not the too few detectors. I can't seem to use a stealth unit, at least not witha civ I tried. Are they detected by buildings like the fortress. Anti- trooper weapon is like the droideka, the darktrooper, the heavy strike mech, or the heavy assault mech. I like the gungan idea too. Some nice points you have phantom.


He is saying that there are too many detectors, you have it backwards, and he's right about it.


And for the heavy weapons, i would say that they need a better troop one too. You need something long range for taking out troops and the sort, not simply strike mechs.

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i wanna see the shield swirley thing like the the trailer. I WAS VERY MAD WHEN I DIDN'T SEE IT IN THE FULL VERSION!!! also stealth is almost useless in GB..fix it plz. Jedi *** in GB that should also be fixed, perhapes letting them being able to block like in the movies????

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Guest PhantomMenace

Hehe...if you can find a game with a bigger internet community or has a larger player/fan base, then let me know...hehe. There's never been anything like Everquest. Also, I know the Droideka and strike mech are good anti-troop weapons but htey reall dont have all that many hitpoints. THe artillery is like a big old grenade trooper ( i guess..hehe), the anti-air machine is like a big old anti-air trooper, The pummel is like a big-old mounted or melee units, so to round it out they need a big old repeater..hehe. What did you guys think of my Bothan idea. How cool would that be to play a civ with lots of stealth units, or maybe have one stealth units that conceals all the other units around them kinda like an Arbiter!!! THat would be sweet! THere are only 2 stealth units in this game, jedi and bongo frigates...but for some reason they went through the trouble to make an indicator light for it and hordes of detector units. THey really need to expand on this idea and make good use of it. Hehe..i'll make one more plug;


Mon Cal






Phantom Menace: "You will place Bothans as a civ!"

Gary Gaber: "No, i dont think we will"

*Phantom Menace waves his hand*

Phantom Menace: "Yes...but..you WILL place Bothans as a civ!"

Gary Gaber: "I will place Bothans as a civ"

Phantom Menace: "Hehehe!"

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Guest Supreme Warlord

None of that stuff is problaby gonna happen. The only most likely X-P will have new civs and that would be all maybe. Maybe just a few new units like you said the Interceptor... The Jedi got to be stronger. This game insults the strength of the Jedi's.... Thought I would say this.... I dont know what kind of new civ they would put in if they do this...it would be could if it was the vong....;)

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Guest PhantomMenace

Its not a sig but i think i'll try to make it one. Also, why dont you think any of these changes will be made. The troopers have very lifelike movements when they walk. Capes flowing, arms swinging, im sure they could apply some of this animation to ships and aircraft instead of just having them bob in place. Plus i heard somebody say "possible" expansion pak...Is there any doubt that they should make an expansion pak. This game is great, why am i the only one that thinks so? I guess im not a big enough Star Wars fan on the expanded universe so i dont know much about this Chiss or Nogri or Vong or whatever. But look at it like this. Bothans will be a playable civ in Galaxies...people will be able to see thier architecture, their homeworld, their citizens and guards and their aircraft and vehicles. Plus people will become familiar with them now. That gives you a good starting base to build on when making a civ, the same goes for Transdoshan and Mon Cal. In galaxies they will each have all of those things introduced to players so why not make an army about htem as oppose to choosing these other guys you all menton and introduce and obsure alientated race in which you hae to make every element of their civ up from scratch!???

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I am not gonna to even to respond to his suggestion but I will say this. To do that , it would be too much for the computer to handle all that civs.

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Originally posted by PhantomMenace

"...The troopers have very lifelike movements when they walk. Capes flowing, arms swinging, im sure they could apply some of this animation to ships and aircraft instead of just having them bob in place..."


yes, it would look good if the S-foils on the Xwing open everytime they went into battle then closed went the there is no fighting.

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Guest PhantomMenace

Well you dont have to even respond to that cuz i dont care. Moving right along. When you htink about all the things that are lacking, actually they can fix it cuz any problem about this game you see in one area they acutally have something similar to it done right in some other area in the game. For example like i said, take the Gungan bounty hunter. He goes walking off and the cape has sublte flowing effects. Tuantauns have nice walking animations, as well as all the gungan mechs. But then you turn around and ships move unafected by air, water or gravity across the waves...just a straight solid shot. Same with air units, as if they werent in an atmosphere at all. All they had to do was take the attention they paid to walking troops and apply it to air. My guess is that the animators just ran short on time or disc space. I am confident if they go back at this game again in the form of an expansion pak they will smooth out a whole lot of things and make this game look superb. By the way i just bought Empire earth a good 3d rts game and guess what. Its fixed perspective. tHe units look ok, but the thing is that it only have a maximum of 700 units which means if you have a 7 player game then everyone has to split 700 and only have a maximum of 100. THe age engine STILL has a handful of advantage and is long from dead in my opinion.

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Guest PhantomMenace

When you guys suggest these civs you gotta think about how much they contributed to the main films, not the expanded universe cuz its the characters who prove themselves in the main films that are gonna attract buyers. I dont remember Han Solo fighting TIE fighters with a Vong or CHiss, but everyone in the world knows about Chewbacca and so since he proved he could scrap they went ahead and represented his whole civ in a military game. That's another thing, this isnt rogue squadron or dark forces, this is an rts game, basically a military game. If the civ didnt give any major contribution to the military in the main films i say dont bothering putting them in this game. That admiral dude represented the Mon Cal well in the movie so it makes sense to plug them in this game. The Bothans, well, many Bothans died to get the rebs that bogus info, so that shows they got some fighting spirit so i say put em in the game. AS for the Trandoshans; well they already got 1/8 of their artset in the game so i say why not go ahead and put em in as a full blown civ.

Also, eveyrone's knocking 2d engines,..if im not mistaken Red alert and the newest red alert are 2d engine games too, but for some reason no one has said anything about it being dated.

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You answered your own questions


The Bothans, well, many Bothans died to get the rebs that bogus info


Had they brought some real info maybe they would have a place in the game. Heh, a little more effort a little less dying, you know what I'm saying?


Bothan: Hey whats up lady in the white night gown?


Mon Mothma: (Hums) MmmMmmmm....did many of your Bothans die?


Bothan: uh, yeah whatever lady, listen we found out that the Emperor likes to use oil of olay on his wrinkles, his eyes really aren't orange, its all part of some crazy Clairol promotional. And he likes his coffee force stirred with some dark force sugar in the morning.


Mon Mothma: mmmmmmMMM.... but did many of your Bothans die.. to bring us this vital information?


Bothan: No not really, the Emperor has a web cam, but if it makes you feel better (sighs) yes many were slaughtered to bring you this information.


Mon Mothma: Then it has to be valuable! Admiral Ackbar turn this into a holographic transparent viewy thingy.


Ackbar: IT'S A TRAP! (blinks his eyes) Excuse me, I was sleeping...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest PhantomMenace

not really i still dont understand nor care what ya said i just posted that to ressurect my thread so that it is visilbe again..hehehe

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