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Lord Of The Rings


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I cant wait, the clips look amazing, and in my opinion there was no better choice of director than peter jackson. Its about time we had something to topple star wars, and believe we may just have it!

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Yepyep! LOTR is going to rule....I just hope that they dont over-do the merchandising (hey, you can always hope).


only 8 days!


yippeee! :p


and then I am going to buy me some fluffy cuddly toy ringwraith :jawa at the nearest F*** toystore.


Gotta hate merchandising...

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Whoho!!! ITS GONNA BE GREAT!!!!!!!

And I agree with Duder...it could be much bigger than Star Wars! (let the lynching commence):mob:

As for the merchandising I just wish they had picked a better company to do the figures. They're good but could be better...imagine an Orc or Gandalf sculpted by McFarlane!! That would be sweet! And I think its too late aobut not overdoing it...have you seen those cups at Burger King? ugh...

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Now dont get me wrong....i'm a big SW fan....however if someone would point a gun to my head and make me choose to which movie i go....well too bad, but then i choose LOTR.....i love the books and soon....after so many years of waiting *sniff*....sorry i just cant talk right now..... :D :D :D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Yeah man I agree with Duder. I was watching the Behind the Scenes on Sci Fi Channel. It look really cool and have cool effects. I cant wait to see it too. I am sure it will be bigger than Star Wars but Let us still remember Star Wars as a good movie. :D

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Guest SlashAndBurn

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....man I knew I had forgoten to set the VCR for something last night! I had been telling ymself all week to not forget to tape that special on Sci-fi...damn.


Warlord....did it seem that they were keeping to the booksor are they taking "creative" privilages with it?

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You're all traitors .... LOTR is just a adaption of a book. A great book ... but still it's little more than an adaption.


With ESB, did you believe Vader was Luke's father? You could not now.


With LOTR, do you know what happens to Gandalf after Moria? Ofcourse you do ... where's the surprise?


SW will be with us ... always

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Guest SlashAndBurn

As much as I hate to admit it Star WArs isnt all that origional a story. Its loosly based on a lot of material that had come before it from, Eastern religions to medievil tales and even the Middle Earth books (Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies). The characters are mostly slightly modified archtypes that had been recycled for years. Is that essance the Star WArs movies are adaptations. Just like a LOTR movie. And to say there is something wrong about looking forward to the movie since we know whats going to hapen is a tad silly. Just because I know whats going to hapen when I watch, say, ESB for the 1,000,000th time doesnt reduce my enjoyment of the movie.


In the end both movie serries, LOTR and SW, will be a part of our culture and great tales that were told on the silver screne. It doesnt realy matter that neither movies are origional works...LOTR being based on the book and SW based on ideas taken directly from other sources.

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Originally posted by Young David

I already know LOTR ... I've seen it ... in my fantasy. While some people might like the movie, for a lot of people the movie will be no more than an interpretation.


Just like Harry Potter. Though kids love them movie some are disappointed in the changes.


What changes I can't tell you cause I haven't read the books or seen the movie. :he says proudly:

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Guest SlashAndBurn

I'm not saying that the movie adaptation will make it a better story than SW. I think LOTR can already claim that based on the books. I just think that if the film adaptation is any good then it will catch on to more mainstream audiances and have as much of a mass effect on our culture that SW did and still does. As great as the LOTR books are they still havent made the transition to pop culture which SW has. Most everyone has heard of Boba Fett or will at least recognize him if they see a picture or toy...the same cannt be said about Strider/Aragorn. That is what the movie adaptation will change.

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tut tut tut young david & darthfergie,


i think you may have a change of mind after seeing the film. Peter Jackson is far more adept as a director than George Lucas could possibly dream of being. The man has an intense imagination, and i think this film is gonna be something really special.


but Star Wars is STILL cooler!!!:p -darthfergie

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Originally posted by Thrawn

Yay! LotR!!!! I'm reading the first book right now. :D


Hurry ... you wanna finish it before you see the movie :D ...


And duder ... no matter what they say. I will always try to defend the opposite (wich has gotten me in tight situations already)



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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Young David ; you are right when you say that those who have read the books already know whats gonna happen.


However it's not about knowing this or that.....it's the fact that one of our (my) favourite stories comes to life.


And it comes to life (so i've heard) in very very very good way.


But perhaps i'm a bit partial....but i believe generally speaking that it's still gonna kick @ss whether you read the books or not.

Well thats my $0.02 cts. :D

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Heheee, I can see where this is going:


Star Wars is better!

No, Lord of the rings!

No, Star Wars!

No, Lord of the rings!

No, Star Wars!

No, Lord of the rings!

No, Star Wars!

No, Lord of the rings!

No, Star Wars!

No, Lord of the rings!

No, Star Wars!

No, Lord of the rings!

No, Star Wars!




Its just a matter of taste.

In my opinion LOTR has great potential, if so, I'll have 3 hobby's: Star Wars, Warhammer and LOTR


*Edits profile*

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