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Secret missions


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i think that the "secret" missions are the bonus missions that you get after you beat all the normal missions it says that the mission instead of a number it says "bonus" as for the only a few have them they each have one empire has 2 rebels have 3 i think that is the most all of them have at least 1:atat: ---:bdroid2:

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Guest Supreme Warlord

The "sercet mission" you are talking about are bonus level after you beat all the mission in one campagin. Like for the Trade Federation you get to go the Naboo and Trade Federation fight that took place in the movie. That is what you are talking about. Hopes this helps you:)

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There is one secret mission that I know of, that being in the first Wookiee campaign mission. Use "forceexplore" and "forcesight" and look towards the top right corner and you'll see the Queen's starship, tusken raiders, etc. Do "simonsays" when your view is on the starship, delete him, and....I won't spoil the surprise....It's a fun little mission though. Try it out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok. I tried to get to the secret mission in the first Wookie campaign. I did the "forcesight" and "forceexplore" and then "simonsays" just like the instructions. I then deleted my killer ewok and that didn't do anything. I killed all the buildings and enemys but still nothing. I even had him kill Darth Maul, but again nothing. The next mission that starts is the normal one. What am I doing wrong????:confused:

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If you're looking for the bonus missions, you need to complete the single-player campaigns to unlock them. In each campaign list, they're the ones toward the bottom with the yellow borders.


The Qui-Gon campaign doesn't have one.


The Trade Federation campaign has one. It's a recreation of the Battle of Naboo, except this time nobody knocks out the droid control ship. You get to encounter and kill Jar Jar and Captain Tarpals, if that's your thing. Maybe Boss Nass and some of the others. I don't know. I haven't beaten it yet.


The Gungan campaign has one also. The premise is "what if Amidala had failed and didn't capture the viceroy?" You have to lead a force through Theed to the capital. I couldn't beat this one, set on Easy. Maybe I just suck...


The Empire campaign has two. The first takes place on Cloud City. It's just been evacuated by Lando's command and you've gotta set your force down and commandeer it before they scuttle it. You even get to kill Lando and Lobot, if that's your thing. Once you've beaten that one (I did) it unlocks another, where you must defend the second Death Star's shield generator dish. The defenses around the dish are formidable, but the defenses around your base (which surrounds the dish) are quite weak, so it's a good idea to build walls to keep everyone out and anti-air turrets. You're smack in the middle of the map, and your enemies come at you constantly from the start from every side. Not just the rebels, but also the Ewoks, on foot (the little furballs are FAST), on hang-gliders (they drop rocks), and even a few catapults.


The Rebel campaign appears to have three, but I have no idea what they are since I haven't gotten that far yet.


I think the Wookies have at least one, but I'm not sure.

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the last mission for the Rebels is the Streiken Asteroid Field. Basically, Gen. Donanna built a base on an asteroid and repeled the first attack but another attack is underway. you need to defend the asteroid, in which it's a sinch. problem: scarce food, and lack of farmsprevent you from doing much with food. Mynocs (sp) and the 10 nerfs you start with is your only supply of food. if you lose your animal nursery, the nerfs would die. it's a secret mission. nova, ore, and carbon though are in an abundance. smaller asteroids harbor nova, ore and very little carbon. have fun!

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