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Kyle's Women


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hey everyone, i read somewhere a while ago (sorry ive been really out of it as of late, its really hard for me to follow along with everything that is happening) that JEDI KNIGHT 2 is supposed to have characters that fight alongside KYLE KATARN. so what i want to know is whats the deal with KYLE'S women?!


is MARA JADE going to be in the game? is she going to fight alongside KYLE in a lightsaber duel maybe (a la PHANTOM MENACE)?


what about JAN ORS? her absence in MYSTERIES OF THE SITH didn't go unnoticed! id like to see her fine self in OUTCAST once again (and this time i hope her in-game appearance does her justice this time, because lets face it, her skin was absolutely, positvely BEAT TO THE STREET in JEDI KNIGHT. which is a shame, of course, because in the cutscenes she was H-O-T HOT.)

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Originally posted by Millions o' Monkeys

mara jade you say....bloody good looking she is


the bad thing is that she looks different in everything. She doesn't have once picture that show who she is. It's hard to explain. Everyone know Mark H. is the image for luke, Harrison Ford is the image for Han etc..but there isn't really one image for mara jade.

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Originally posted by Hannibal


this would be so cool. I'm so hoping for a Duel of the Fates type battle where a NPC helps you out.


That I would think is highly likely. They are designing this into the AI anyway as we saw from the early footage, so I would think if they are making this feature it would definatly be included. It would also be cool in bot matches :)

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

But let's hope the bots aren't moric jumping (foce jumping :D ) bots like Q3.


i rechon the bots will be start. they said stuff like if u pick on one of them to much they'd team up on you. i also dont wanna see the bots jumping like kangaroos.



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Hmmm...I wonder if they could tweak it so that you get more help from NPCs on the Easy/Medium setting, and less help on the Hard setting? That would make sense.


As I've said in other threads, I'd like to see Jan Ors as a sidekick for at least a couple of the levels. I'm not sure about Mara Jade, though.

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I have had this image in my mind ever since they talked originally about buddy AI: me, as Kyle slashing down stormies in close range with my saber, while Jan is shooting approaching enemies, who are still a stone's throw away. That would be one of the most memorable levels in whole game, if done properly! :D

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

I wouldn't mind a NPC helping out once in a while, but I hope it doesn't happen too fequently in the game. I like the feeling of taking on the Empire all by myself :cool:


That's precisely what I don't like, and is the chief reason why I preferred MotS SP to JK SP. In MotS you had AI allies and consequently, it felt like you were part of a larger cause rather than just a lone gunman.

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

I'm sure that incident only brought them closer together :)


That's Luke's woman Kyle better stay away from her.

Orginally posted by CaptainRAVE

If you were about to be killed by someone would it bring YOU closer together, lol

Never been married CaptainRAVE?


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