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Things I Want To Kill.


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with us donning the role of professional ass-whooper KYLE KATARN... i must say, there are so many things that i would really love to kill. number one would have to be OSAMA BIN LADEN. but thats not going to happen... so let me continue.


for some wierd reason, i really hope that RAVEN lets us blow the **** out of a PHASE 2 DARK TROOPER... just one. i don't know how the hell they can implement that into the storyline, but hey, anything is possible in the STAR WARS universe! man, to see a PHASE 2 DARK TROOPER (you remember how rad those things look, right?) would just be THE greatest thing to see... especially since computer graphics have come a LONG way since DARK FORCES! id really like to do it, though, in maybe an earlier level (before we get a saber) just so i can literally BLOW the **** out of it... plus, it would bring back some great memories to everyone whos been playing the role of KATARN since DRK FORCES.


now this is kind of along the lines of that as well... i would also like to kill bosses who don't have a lightsaber. just to have a long, drawn out, one on one gun fight (maybe with reloading) with a boss in JEDI KNIGHT 2 would be downright awesome... i mean, the DARK FORCES series IS, at its heart, a FPS, and it IS built on the QUAKE 3 engine, so it'd just be natural to have a couple bosses who want to gun the **** out of KATARN (kind of like BOBA FETT in SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE... i really enjoyed kicking his ass with DASH)


i would also like to fight LUKE SKYWALKER. yup, thats right... one on one with the originator. maybe RAVEN can have him scrimish against KATARN when he gives him back his saber... id just like to fight him saber-to-saber and show him that KYLE KATARN is the man, not his ***** ass. maybe if im lucky ill cut off his other hand.


"to be the man, you have to beat the man!" w00t!

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A fight with a Jango Fett style enemy is what you are after here. It would certainly be very good.


Plot-wise it would be silly, because Jango Fett is a unique, one-off event, in being a non-Jedi capable of fighting Jedi.


But so what? The amount of Dark Jedi wandering around in the JK games is silly as well, so a few Jango rip-offs wouldn't be so bad, if they were done well.

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Heh...a weird idea just popped into my head. Anyone remember the Golden Voyage of Sinbad, and the mobile statue with six swords?


How about an ancient battle-droid like the Jedi practised on, except give it six arms and six lightsabers? Now that could potentially be a nightmare, especially if it was packing blasters too. ;)


As for non-lightsaber weilding bosses, yeah, why not? Either something fast and well-armed, or slower and well-armoured. An enemy utilising the same kind of energy shield and firepower as the droidekas in TPM would be nice and tough - especially considering it lead to a stand-off in that film.


The only other alternative would be to neutralise your Force powers while combatting an opponent, so you are less accurate and responsive with the saber, and more reliant on other weapons. Ysalimiri would be one way of doing that...or they could come up with something new.


I'm all for variety. :D

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Originally posted by Ushgarak

]Plot-wise it would be silly, because Jango Fett is a unique...

Perhaps not unique. The inside buzz is: Janga Fett is a model for clones in the upcoming movie. Perhaps the template for Boba Fett, himself. If this is true, there could be battles with Fett Clones.

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Nope. I'm a mod on a Star Wars board and I pretty much know the deal on this one.


Boba Fett is Jango's son. And Boba never rose to Jango's heights-hence his easy defeat in ROTJ.


And whether the Clones are based on Jango or not, there is no evidence that they are all as good as him, from what we can see. Besides, no such 'super clones' survive into the Classic era.

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Actually, Boba Fett was THE greatest Bounty Hunter of all time.


Jango was awesome as well tho', of course. ;)


I hear his clones ain't that bad either. ;)


As for the amount of Dark Jedi in DF being "Silly" I have to disagree. It fits in with the SW continuity, so how is it "Silly"?

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He wont tell anyone this, but several years back he was quite serious with this gonk and it dumped him on valentines day. It broke his lilttle heart and ever since he has wanted to take his anger out on any gonk he can find..




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Bit more warning when bits of movie plot are flying round please...


And Boba never rose to Jango's heights-hence his easy defeat in ROTJ.


For someone who's a mod on a Star Wars board you don't read many books, or at least SW ones. Boba may have got belted, but Luke was a Jedi, plus, Boba survives! ;)


But I babble...


I'm all for non-saber wielding opponents, mix it up a little!


The Droid that Storm-Hammer mentions could be like the ones Vader practises on in Shadows of the Empire...that'd be muchly cool! :)

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Pin the thermal detenator on the Gungan?


Force Push the Gungan off Cloud City?


Plain and simple Gungan target practise?


Hunt the Gungan?


Death Star taking pot shots at Gungans?


Saber practise on an unarmed, imobile Gungan?


Hmmm, if you have anymore?



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Actually, I do my job as mod fine. Boba Fett's stories as given in the books are completely irrelevant, and not official plot. George Lucas himself said in interview that Boba Fett died in the Sarlaac pit; the books are wrong. Sorry. Same again for what the books say of Boba's origins. All nonsense.


As the advice on the official website says- FORGET THE BOOKS.


And Luke may have been a Jedi when Boba was defeated, but he wasn't a very good one (in fact, as Yoda says, he wasn't yet one at all) and Boba was clearly outclassed. Jango's fight against Obi-Wan in AOTC is a WHOLE different thing. He'll make Boba look about as dangerous as your average turnip.

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My apologies, it wasn't a personal attack on you...


I wasn't aware of the 'unofficiality' of the books, and considering I'd heard nothing to the contrary...


Thanks for the enlightenment, still, I like to believe there was more to Boba Fett than that... ;)

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No problem. I agree that Boba Fett was underepresented in the films. He WAS a legend, after all, and deserved more than what he got in ROTJ. Maybe he had a bad day...


But as I say, they are pulling no punches in showing that Jango can at least try to fight a Jedi on roughly even terms. But he is meant to be pretty much unique in being able to do so.

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Ah well, you can fill entire threads about that...


In any case- in AOTC we will see an amazing fight between a Jedi and a non-Jedi. Having set the precedent, it would be good for JKII to follow it, solong as it is done well, of course.


Oh, and I stand by my 'silly'; comment about Dark Jedi. They are exceedingly rare people, and the more info we get on the new films the rarer they appear to be, with the amount of Sith limited to to and rumour has it the amount of people that ever left hte Jedi fixed at 20, and most of them historically. Vader and the Emperor (along with Obi-Wan and Yoda) were meant to be the 'last' of the Force users... Tarkin's quote would have had a lot less resonance if it had been:


"You, my friend, are all that remains... oh, except for Jerec and all his friends... and a load of others apparently as well..."


It doesn't MATTER, of course. This is a game and it can take liberties, and the is more room in the Expanded Universe (books and so on) to throw in more Force users, but the amount of Dark Jedi running around is still a little bit silly.

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I agree that Boba Fett was underepresented in the films. He WAS a legend, after all, and deserved more than what he got in ROTJ.

Boba is only a young boy in AOTC, so I have a feeling that we will see him doing something cool at least in Episode III that will give us much wider impression what actually made him legend in SW universe. Lucas knows very well, how much fans like a little characters like Boba, but everyone has their own destiny to fulfill... ;)

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Perhaps same amount of time that has passed between TPM and AOTC: about ten years. In my oppinion(and I guess Lucas thinks same way), it's enough for a boy to become man, was he either Anakin or Boba. ;) However, back to actual topic. Raven could easily invent a new bounty hunter enemy(remember that there are still crime organizations working in Cloud City and these people always hire someone to do their dirty work) who would be totally "fresh" and skilled enough to fight againts a jedi and not another Boba Fett clone(no pun intended)... :fett:

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