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Adventure Game Development Team ASSEMBLE!!!!!!

The Adventurer

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What engine are you going to use? Or are you programming your own?


(I've started development on my own engine. Unlike all the other failed free adventure game engines, this one i'm making NOT to be user friendly or for Joe Public to make a game. I'm making it so I can make a game, anyone else who wants to use it, thats fine with me ;))

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Well like I stated above, I'm starting work on a free adventure game engine for windows and linux. It will be 2D only btw, I detest 3d ;)

Like I said above also, I'm *not* planning to make a nice happy user-friendly Devlopment Environment where you can just click a button and an object will get added to a room. You will have to learn the simple scripting language i'm creating for it. It's not that difficult though, Here's a brief example of what you'd have to do to get 2 characters to say something



ActorTalk(2,"Fancy seeing you here...",8)


ActorTalk(2,"Why'd you walk over there?",20)

ActorTalk(1,"I have no idea...",4)


see, it's all fairly self-explanatory.

Lemme know if anyone's interested

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Ok heres my three Ideas i'm desiding on.


Zane Wreakman's InterDimentional Adventure


Young Zane Wreakman is wisked off to another dimention where Physics are all different; space has a breath able atmosphear, planets are only 100 miles around, the sun is not hot, rivers are made of electricity. See there are 2 planets, Madness and Reason, Madness is a world poulated by a rather odd bunch while Reason is populated by humans who, like Zane, were warped to this dimention. Zane is charged with saveing Madness from the Reason blimp armada that the power mad reason ruler is sending to eliminate the Madites.



Sky High


Rebeca Flare is an ex-US Navy pilot who, in the wake of the colapes of the United States during the great deprestion in the 1920s, flys cargo planes from the sea port of Twin Bays, Alaska. Along her adventures she'll have to deal with Sky Pirates, a Soviot invation force, and busness men trying to buy her bussness out from under her. and all the while trying to make her deliverys on time.




Barry 23 is a robot office worker, built simply to work while humans live the high life. With no vaction, no pay, and no breaks Barry's fed up with his job. But while trying to find some way out he discovers a web of coruption that runs deeper that any of his robot and human friends ever guessed.


One of thems gonna be my gamesome feed back would help in the disition.

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the first one is making me puke due to confusion

second one would require a timing thing to get all the packages to a certain place at a certain time, as in a game in a game, and might be annoying,

I like the last one best. Definately sounds like a true adventure game ;)

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Chuzwuzza, with an engine like that you could make commercial quality games if you had the *cough* right team. We could make a Monkey Island spin-off called... um, er... Moneky-Head-Island with characters like... Melaine Fairtie, Guybush Treehouse, WALLY and LeMuck. And then we could sell it for... oh AUD$15/copy! And you can call your engine SCUMMM (Script Creation Utility for Making Monkey Men). Ehehehehehe, and I can do the backgrounds!



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that first idea was very toon-struck-ish (a superb adventure) and could be interesting if it was worked out a bit more.


Yes, the third idea is more like 'traditional adventure' but you're only referring to the story line and having a traditional storyline is stupid cos everyone would make the same game.

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