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How many kids would you like?

Keyan Farlander

How many kids would you like?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. How many kids would you like?

    • 0 (I don't really like kids)
    • 0 (I like kids, but I just don't want to be a parent)
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5 - 10
    • More than 10

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Nute your common sense isnt too hot is it?


'Americans breeding will have little impact on the world. Assume I figure out how to have children and have two little versions of myself running around. Someday I will die and the female I bred with will too That leaves us with a net gain of 0 humans. Starving Africans having children wont' change the world population much. Assume a pair of, say, Sudanis have five children. One dies shortly after birth, one starves several years later, and (just to mix it up) one is killed by a forgotten land mine. Eventually the parents die too from whatever. Population gain: 0.'


Those two little versions of you running around will probably have two kiddies each themselves. therefore there is a pop increase.



Then you say this,


'In short, I think it's stupid to limit my breeding because we just MIGHT run into a little bit of snag down the road '


Now i just think you are plain stupid. The 'little snag' will inevitably happen, your indifference is typical though, but unfortunate.

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Originally posted by duder

Nute your common sense isnt too hot is it?


Those two little versions of you running around will probably have two kiddies each themselves. therefore there is a pop increase.



Not quite there jackass, they will require to have a MATE to do so, unless Nute is unknowingly living over a nuclear waste dump that mutates him and he gives birth to kids that are asexual(god forbid ;) ) then thats 2 paresnts-2kids=0 change



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With all the technology and medicines available now to the larger countries(North America,Europe,Russia) the life expectancy has increased dramatically since 1900. I can take an educated guess and say that almost every child born in the area mentioned above will almost surely survive to reproduce. According to charts the world population has increased nearly 2-3 billion since the 20th century began.


Also with the older people living longer that adds more requirements to the needs of the world. Also wars control the population and if we really do have world peace in the future(I really don't see it happening) we can expect a growing population.


I expect the world population to be near 10 billion by the year 2100. If not larger.

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Originally posted by duder

two kiddies each themselves. therefore there is a pop increase.


NOPE. I'm still right.


Observe graphic:



To keep it simple, I only drew the offspring of one of the mated pairs of people. As you can clearly see, only mere replacement is occuring instead of growth. That's why the US population has only grown a few dozen million in the last 25 years.

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jsut one... so i can spoil him/her and give him all of our love (assume that i will ONLY have kids with a happy marraige)


Now, if it is a girl, i might want a boy to. or a boy and a girl... fraternal twins would solve the prob :)


i lvoe kids.... tho i dont know how much i would love them if i had them full time

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Well, my current girlfriend is such a mother it's scary... This family that used to live here had their two daughters practically raised by her, cause both of them worked constantly... And she did it for free because she just loves kids, and she's one of those people that won't take money for being nice.

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I wanna have kids eventually... but not 'till I'm almost 30... You just don't bring a child into this world when you're not financially prepared to support the grocery-sucking appetite on legs... Especially once that grocery-sucking appetite on legs hits puberty and becomes a grocery-sucking, wallet-thinning, insurance-hike on legs...

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