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I agree with spaceball it should be a little more powerful. If not more powerful a faster firerate...


What would be interesting to see though in JK2 is what they will use for the 1 key. Fists again?..... I understand that going along with the older games DF and JK is the main focus but I don't know about anyone else I'm tired of fists. I mean c'mon there's got to be people in the SW universe that carry knife-sabers ;)



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Bartolo...could you please change the name of the thread? I was going to close it and recommend you reply to Spaceball_One in his thread...until I saw you talking about melee weapons. Why not call the thread Melee Weapons? Thanks. :cool:


Fists were a bit pointless in JK/MotS...although it was fun for a while trying to get through those games just boxing. :D


I think the Lightsaber is pretty much the best melee weapon going...and I would only use other types of melee weapons if the lightsaber was not available for some reason...or you had to be careful not to betray your position due to the light cast by the blade. Of course, they could always make it so you hold the lightsaber without having it ignited, which would solve that issue.


I don't think I would want to see Kyle use martial arts, either, i.e., start doing a variety of kicks/punches - that just wouldn't feel right, IMO.


Why not change this thread to a poll, and get people voting on whether they want more melee weapons, keep fists, or just go with the lightsaber? :)

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