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'Not a Clue' Screenshot. (my game)


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anyways here's a little backup.


you play Slink Harvey. a sarcastic looser and a private detective/inspector. you'r about to loose your job (the small guy is your boss) for your lack of unsolved cases and sleeping on the job. but as your Boss has a big heart

(and a really tight sexy ass)*

he gives you one more case. if you solve it, you get to keep your job. your case is this: an old millioner has just been Murdered in his own Mansion. you gather clues, and suspects

in the end of the game, all the people gather in one room (the butler, his young blond wife etc....)you get to guess who the killer is from all the suspects.

the game is based of 4 days and 3 nights.

(you can die btw)


*inside joke


hmmm i think i babled enough for a day....

i wont bore anyone anymore. :)

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i doubt a PLAYABLE demo will be done any time soon. maybe just one where you can talk to a character maximum.


its really hard and frustrating trying to make the character walk without going on walls or anything. to bad you cant set walking hot spots. woulda done the job a lot easier.

not to talk about the inventory....

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I remember the sig NiKo made for me :D Although I had no hair, I was a lil insulted coz it's not like I'm bald or anything :D


I still think the origional sig in that series NiKo did was the best- UKthreepwood's was the funniest, with LOL written all over it ;)

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