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Who is the coolest poster around here?


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Originally posted by Navhead

Flib and Huz own you peasants.


Though Trap's Octavio site amused me greatly. :)


Yay, at least somebody's seen it.


It was fun taking all the pictures. I got the idea after I took the first picture. I was actually trying to photograph a bunch of water flying out of a cup in midair, but it looked like a ghost.

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If "cool" means calm, collected, and unperturbable then I am pretty cool.


But if "cool" means "hip", "with it", and fun, then no ...I haven't been cool since the 70s.


Grampa Simpson: "I used to be 'with it', then they changed what 'IT' was. Now what I'm 'With' isn't 'IT' ... and what is ''IT' is new and scary to me."

Originally posted by Haggis

Yes, I agree with you ED. Go raVen! And ED is cool too. And er... oh yeah, benjoyce. Does anyone think I am cool? (....................)


After editing: How could I ever forget Haxaty and Paco?

Aaawww thanks Haggis. I always considered you way cooler than me.

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raVen_image: for his long and intelligent posts (that's also the down side because I have to stop my super fast scanning mode to understand them :D)


haggis: I just have to see his name on a page to smile


trapezoid: when you read his posts, you have to start one of his songs like ehhm.. "Trapezoid - A depressing song"... hehe.. that really cracks me up :)


There are also some people whom I cannot stand. Unfortunately, I am included in that select group.

Yes, that's right. I think my own posts suck, I also believe that I suck, and that I should go play in a garden with sand instead of being here.


--Haxaty out :)

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Originally posted by Trapezoid


Yay, at least somebody's seen it.


It was fun taking all the pictures. I got the idea after I took the first picture. I was actually trying to photograph a bunch of water flying out of a cup in midair, but it looked like a ghost.


Heh, I can imagine.

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Originally posted by Flirbnic

I should show that site to the people at http://www.paranormal.com. Bunch of nutcases there.

Nutcases? Well, maybe. I've just read a couple of threads and their subject matter was not the norm, but it was interesting.


If they are off their nut, at least they expess themselves well. The werewolf thread had some thoughtful writing and the best part...no graphic signatures.


I think I'll spend an hour here and see if they are consistant wih what I've seen so far. Thank you for the suggestion, Flirbnic. :)

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Originally posted by Gabez

Cool. And how did you make the "Haggis" part look so damn funky?


If you mean the words, he probably:

a.) used Adventure font

b.) in channels made a new one and put clouds on it, and

c.) used lighting effects...


or he just masked it :D

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