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well its hardly intellectually challenging, its a classic good vs evil story, full of courage and friendship. The beauty of the book for me was the level of detail Tolkien describes middle earth in. I think Star Wars also works on this level. You enter another world and you lose your sense of disbelief in the size and vividness of the worlds described.





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Originally posted by Ten-Forward

I find it disturbing that some losers can't click a mouse on a computer and find sites on the net that all they do is review movies...dumbass


I find it disturbing that some people see my reactions as flaming, while it was intended that way.


I ust wanted to say that if you find the movie soo good, then maybe you can share why you think it's so good. I don't want the opinion of somebody who gets paid to give his opinion (exept in the case of Bottomline and Hebbez ofcourse ;)) I want your opinion.

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Originally posted by SlashAndBurn

Young-David...why dont you try and catch an earlier show? Thats what I'm gonna have to do.


I don't live near a theater, in a small village. And I'm very busy at the moment. Maybe I will see it after my vocation, just need to find some friends then who didn't see it yet.


And Ten-Forward, may I remind you that flaming isn't allowed here and the mods actually approach you if you flame a lot. I had never an intention to say anything rude like I said before, it appears that you did. Watch your language.



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Guest Lord Tirion

My friends, brother, and I are going to see it this weekend. I will write a review of what I thought of it this weekend. Check is in the mail right? ;)

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Originally posted by Lord Tirion

My friends, brother, and I are going to see it this weekend. I will write a review of what I thought of it this weekend. Check is in the mail right? ;)


hey tirion havent seen u in a while



will be waiting for the review u give


i cant wait to see it meself

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Damnit i cant go until the first or....God forbid....the second week of Januari...


However i wouldnt wait for the DVD....because that baby doesnt come out until August....and once again i know that for a fact. :D

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i went to see this last night and what can i say.......its incredible.


Now for the obligitory criticism,


the film ending is such a let down, for those who have read lord of the rings will be annoyed that they cant see the whole thing, whilst those who havnt read the book will be wondering why on earth the film has no closure whatsoever!!!!

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