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Football Fanatics...this is your thread


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Yeah, Chicago, sure.;) I'd say the Steelers take it all, right now.



Fav pro team: Packers

Fav college team: Texas A&M


I'd say Nebraska wins the championship. But I wish colorado would get more of a shot. They beat Nebraska, after all, and some other top teams. Nebraska vs Miami would be a great rematch, after what happened in the 80's.

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63-24 is a fluke? They beat Texas in the Big 12 championship game also!How the hell is it a fluke? That game showed the Weakness in Nebraska:You don't fineese them..


Miami is going to show that they don't belong in the Championship game, The BCS screwed up last year (With Notre Dame and Florida State) and they screwed up this year. We need to get rid of the BCS because only the Elite of 6 confrences and Notre Dame will ever get to the Title Game..


I have nothing to rant about in the NFL (Except maybe how my beloved Broncos aren't going to make the playoffs)

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favourtie football team - Nottingham Forest


I know this aint what you mean, but football IS football we invented it long b4 you invented your game, and besides 'soccer' is actually played with feet whilst your game requires the ball to be kicked about 10 times a game!!!!! (pretty dumb to call the game football if you ask me)



booooo down with american football........real football rules!

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Guest GhostKeeper

fav team : steelers, i live in pittsburgh, tailgating is great

fav college team : pitt, who else? beat nc state in the tangerine bowl!!!

super bowl : stillers (thats how we pittsburghers say it) vs rams. warner, gilden is going to OWN u!!!!


faulk, whos that guy?? The only thing that the rams have is bruce, im my opion the best wr ever.



ps GO BUS!!!

pss any1 catch that browns game last week, it was crazy

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Originally posted by duder

favourtie football team - Nottingham Forest


I know this aint what you mean, but football IS football we invented it long b4 you invented your game, and besides 'soccer' is actually played with feet whilst your game requires the ball to be kicked about 10 times a game!!!!! (pretty dumb to call the game football if you ask me)



booooo down with american football........real football rules!


Well, that's true.I like Arsenal better.

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I personally hate the Raiders and Cowboys..


Nebraska= 4th in the AP AND Coaches poll, so why are they in the Rose Bowl? Cause they're a major football power and the computers like them.


Nebraska is 1 and 1 in bowl games against Wildcat teams when Eric Crouch is QB :D Just some useless trivia! They lost to Arizona (OH YEAH BABY!) In the 1998 Holiday Bowl (Arizona finished 4th in the AP that year, have been 5-6 3 straight years after that) And they killed Northwestern in the Alamo Bowl last year..


Expect Arizona to be good next year :)

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Well the last few games were really good (Even though they finished 5-6) They were mounting a 4th quarter comeback against Stanford, and got pretty close.. Arizona SHOULD HAVE won the game against Washington but there was a facemasking on Washington that wasn't called. Same with USC, except I think it was a different penalty


So Arizona's record should have been 7-4, but calls were not called..


The other winless team? Duke! (Another hated school of mine)

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Originally posted by Clefo

Well the last few games were really good (Even though they finished 5-6) They were mounting a 4th quarter comeback against Stanford, and got pretty close.. Arizona SHOULD HAVE won the game against Washington but there was a facemasking on Washington that wasn't called. Same with USC, except I think it was a different penalty


So Arizona's record should have been 7-4, but calls were not called..


The other winless team? Duke! (Another hated school of mine)


You guessed it:D

Tulsa got close, but won their last game (I think)


As for the Arizona Team...I could say the same thing about my Dad's school Arkansas State Indians...they should have won against 2 1-AA schools and should have won two more of their confrence games...but they lost near the end.


It is all a bunch of "Should have" "Would have" "Could have":)

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Eh he's too British for his own good....


And Frankly, we don't care about which is the real football.


But anyway here's my NFL Playoff Scenerio...



New England Oakland



New York Pittsburgh



Philidelphia Chicago

Tampa Bay


San Francisco St.Louis

Green Bay


The Pats crush Baltimore's hope of a repeat.

The Jets make mincemeat out of the Dolphins

Tampa can't win in cold weater, so The Eagles win.

San Francisco beats Green Bay


In Round 2 its

New England VS Oakland

New York VS Pittsburgh

Philly VS Chicago

San Fran VS St. Louis


New England beats Oakland in my upset special

The Steelers kill the Jets

Philly is a little too one dimensional to beat the Bears

And the Rams squeak by a determined 49er team


In Round 3 its

New England VS Pittsburgh

St.Louis VS Chicago


Pittsburgh will beat New England

Rams are a more powerful animal


And the Super Bowl: The Rams will win a second one in 3 years and Yankee esque hatreds will emerge..


I am probably soo wrong on these picks :D

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I still say...49ers and Stellers in Superbowl.


(I hate Kurt Warner...he is too Cinderella like for his own good)


49ers would be doing even better if they weren't in the same division as the Rams and didn't have to play them TWICE in a season.


I want 49ers and Steelers in the Superbowl. As for who wins it...I don't care just as long as it is a good game.:D



best superbowl ever...Rams vs. Titans...

1 freaking YARD!!!

(as you can probably guess I was rooting for the Titans to win that game):D

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