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I just had a half day at school because it was the last day, I went in at 8:30, had 20 minutes of tutor time, watched the end of 'kevin and perry go large' in english, watched 'they think it's all over' in german, had 30 minutes of break, 30 more minutes of tutor time then went home! in retrospect there really wasn't much point turning up!

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Originally posted by dark spirit

I just had a half day at school because it was the last day, I went in at 8:30, had 20 minutes of tutor time, watched the end of 'kevin and perry go large' in english, watched 'they think it's all over' in german, had 30 minutes of break, 30 more minutes of tutor time then went home! in retrospect there really wasn't much point turning up!


Why did you?


And thats wierd. A few students I know watched the same film...

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Originally posted by BooJaka14m

Ohh. I thought you meant someone else but now I realise that their name was Punamio or something.


OK.... What about Trap?


I realize I'm an incredibly confusing person and the fact that someone stole my incredibly original nick doesn't help. Trap's here, you can easily see his incredibly... uh... Trappish avatar.

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Originally posted by BooJaka14m

Yeah. I just saw it and remembered where it was from. I guess I could just search around and find other eople I know but if you could tell me some more people who are still here I would be grateful.


I think the ones I mentioned is about it. Plus various Mojo updaters and such of course.

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Originally posted by Trapezoid



Yay, now the tight-knit quintet of Remi O, Trinity, Darnn, Boojaka, and Trapezoid is complete. We ruled the old board with an iron fist if you'll recall.


Oh... Yes... I knew there was something I'd forgotten to do.

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