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*plays into jesters hands* or something


Its from Epic Color Collection I think, and its from DML's page, as all of his art is from the color collection. Unless I'm dumb (and I assure you I am dumb) it's originally from the On The Road comic, which was originally in worse color than the color collection.

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Originally posted by Setion

In my thread, Sheaday spammed a little, true. But I basically asked him not to, and he stopped. The matter was already closed, there was no need to lock the thread. That was plain overkill. When he stopped, that gave the thread a method to progress, letting non spammers talk. I know what spam is, I know sheaday did it, I know sheadya stopped. So why lock it? At least let people voice their opinions. These are forums, people are stupid, and how can we shoot stupidity down if you lock everything? It just makes us look stupid period, makes people mad, and makes you look plain bad. The purpose of forums is to talk and integrate, to show each other strengths and weaknesses, to laugh, have fun. And yet, when someone spams, everything get's all fucking serious, where a simple comment could stop it all, and have some laughs in the process.


So, I ask, for yourself, that you unlock my thread. Please. And I don't use that word lightly.


Nuff respect setion. I fully agree with you on that.

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