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Are the boards dying?

Guest PhantomMenace

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Guest PhantomMenace

I gotta wonder...with the game out and no more need to guess about units, what campaigns are gonna be in the game and such, and no more need to try and decyper screenshots..is the boards dying? I mean Gaber is prolly wyllin in some dive in Los Angeles with Reed Knight and friends off the fat paycheck they just got. He prolly wont be back on the boards for a long long time if at all. And we players are left with nothin else to do but beat the crap out of each other online, and or make little threads about each and every unit, i.e. "aa love it or leave it", "pummels love it or leave it", "frigates love em or leave em" Not much else really to discuss about this game. I wonder if the boards will endure?:eek:

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its a good point....the threads are continually getting more and more stretched with less and less relavence. We are seeing more frustrated flame wars cuz there just isnt enough stimulation for you angry unsociable gamers!!! :D (i am excluded from this on grounds of being stuck at work :p )

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we haven't even begun to see the major waves of scenario's, strategy-articles.. the works.

Remember; AOK-players really got into their own online afer about a year.


The game is out for almost two months now.. so we have some time to go. But i believe the GB-community is more enthused about their game.

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And don't forget that not everyone plays on the zone...


About the boards dying....yes. Quite frankly i have trouble finding more than one or two good topics in the GB Disscussion boards anymore. There is still a good community though, the Off-Topic board is doing fine.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Reed Knight was on my mailing list.

Basically, his job is done and now is just checking out my site and others to see what's going on.


The game has brought a lot of NEW players which is cool. These new players need a helping hand and we should ALL be there to help them. They are not being helped by the 'experts' of the game who pretend to be new and thrash the hell out of them. Something already covered in other links. However, they need to know about the GB websites. Mine already links to this forum and to the site.


Players don't need any more reviews of the game, what they need are new and decent scenarios, playable maps etc and more of a focus on playing GB - now it is released.


My website isn't driven around GB news/reviews - purely on playing GB.




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Guest PhantomMenace

DarthMaulUk you hit hte hammer on the head,, i say enough hardcore reviews and enough, nerf this and nerf that cuz hte game is out and unless you're Gandalf you cant really change anything about it. I've goofed around witht he screnario editor and it looks like its got a lot of tools with some real cool stuff in it. For fun i made a big pit with heavy shield walls around it and dropped each and every hero unit from all 6 sides into it. It was one big battley royal. Now the winners changed from time to time, but on a whole it was always yoda and obi wan (old) coming out on top! All the Gungan heroes died quick cuz some of em cant attack, same with the Naboo, but on whole it came down to Palpatine, yoda and Obi Wan (Vader would always get teamed up on first). It was real cool to watch and everyone usually died within a minutes time. See players need to come up with some juicy scenarios to share with everybody to give us further adventures with our favorite charactesr. George Lucas usually leaves a couple years in between his movies so we got lots of room to work with!

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Guest PhantomMenace

my apologies, you hit the nail on the head...im a speed typer so i miss stuff but i wanted to correct that before i got flamed...i guess i should start reviewing my posts...umm..nah!

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The boards arn't dieing...they are actually doing better than they were a few months ago. Think about it. We didn't have NEAR as many people posting here before the game came out and then the merging added even more people...and with the tournie coming soon there might even be MORE posters...and then there is the topic of an X-Pac for GB and more!!! This board has lots of time left before you can call it dead...


As for new scenarios and campaigns...the Naboo Campaign is coming along nicely...


Head on over to the Scenario Design Forum and check it out...

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

If you compare that to the HG "Knights of the Round Table" forum (aka AOKH OD), which has 630,000 posts, the forum here is a dwarf ;). But nevertheless, this board is very active :).

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id hafta say these boards arent dying but the sad thing is when i came here many many months ago this board was great everybody knew each other and we were all pretty good friends (this is pre viper era) then viper came and things got wierd with clans and all then that stopped and then the rush came :( all the ppl came and spammed the board to heck(thanks to leon, rhett,fergie,and all the other mods for not lettin it got toooo outa hand) but i think these boards are goin strong :)


i just wish we could get that old enviroment back :'(

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