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I just realized that Japanese people, New Zealand people, and Australian people have all already opened their presents!:eek:


I wish the day started in Central time. but then it would be really weird b/c you could drive to eastern and you would gain a day! Talk about a way to turn back time! Just 9 or so more hours then GB shall be mine!

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Originally posted by Stan|SCN Punk

Well, I dont have presents to open because of why? Because I am not a Christian :p.


Let me get one thing straight ... Christmass presents have nothing to do with Christianity. I'd even go futher ... Christmas has nothing to with christianity ...


Well ... nothing? A long time in this very same galaxy, people celebrated christmas and worshipped trees, or something like that. Whatever they did, it was far from christian. Later they decided to get rid of that idea and celebrate the birth of Christ instead (hence the name Christmas). Christmas is not a celabration that originated from the bible, like Easter and those other feasts I don't know the english names of.


So ... unwrap those presents :D

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