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New Year plan


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Well, again i have been chatting with this girl on the Net. She is a gamer, and spends lots of time playing Mage-knight. She recently got discharged from the Navy due to being "un-fit for duty" (back injury) She tried getting a job with a gaming company, move across the USA, started the job, and got fired from the Job on the 2nd day for not being "geeky enuf"


well, what it comes down to is she is at a crossroads, and in the last few months we have become good freinds.


shortly after thanksgiving she invited me down to her parents to celebrate the new year with her. Of course, i accepted since i was at a crossroads to, and would enjoy spending new years DOING something instead of sitting at home watching **** clark.


So, Sunday after church i am going to zoom down in my car to Porter IN (about a 3+ hour drive) Spend the evening there ,ans sleep over. Then in the morning of New years eve, we are going to catch the train and head to Chicago. There we are going to do some ice skaiting, spend some time at Shedd's aquarium, and the hosue of blues. then have a very nice dinner. Topping off the evning we are goingto celebrate the new years at Navy Pier, where the countdown will be. And then for PRACTICAL reasons we are going to sleep over at a hotel (In seperate beds) and catch the train back in the morn.


I jsut hope eveyone prays for me that i dont screw things up. Or jsut give me encouragement. I am hoping to havea lot of fun, and stregthen an allready wonderful freindship

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Whoa boy, what a nwe years, by far the best i ever had, and i hope the best i will ever have


Crackhead ;) no, the double bed thing did not fall apart. We slept in seprate beds, and did not wander into eachohters in the middle of the night. Tho i did wish we were closer.


We spent a long time chatting during the new years eve, healing for both of us, we are both ready for big changes in the new year. At about 10 minutes to midnight (and after 2 VERY strong screwdrivers) we went out to the water to get ready for the fireworks. Nukekitty (that is her screen name) held me very tightly, and as far as i am concerned, it was one of the happiest times of my life... everything was perfect.


On the train trip home, we discvered how close we had become, holding eachohter, and no wanting to have he train stop.


This may be it guys and gals, hopfully she can find a job nearby, and we can le the relationship grow.


This is Nukekitty, Kinnison is sitting next to me, so behave guys. I had a wonderful time in Chicago with him, this was the best New Years I have ever had. Hopefully everything will work out in the future, and we will be able to grow and help each other even more. Kinnison has helped me through a lot, and I am extremely happy he came down to see me.





On a side note, ask him about his car..............

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It really wasnt dangerous for me to ask him to come down here and visit. I remember him from gencon 2000 were i was running tournaments for a game called mage knight. He didnt remember me from there at all, and he was so mad that he didnt. hehe


We have a lot of mutual friends, and have been talking for a long time. Many people knew where we were going and our plans, so it is not as if i was going into this blind and with no back up or anything. When I lost my job with WizKids, I was devistated, and Kinnison has always been there for me. In the last year I have been hurt an awful lot, and my whole life has been turned upside down, but a stable point has always been him.


BTW, Kinn your going to have those star wars books for me when i see you next right? (I am basically a SW newbie, i just know the 4 movies and that is it)

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Hiya. I'm Nine one of the nutty XWAers from these parts. Glad to know that you've hooked up with K_K. God knows he needed something else other than just us. :p Make him happy.


Oh yeah, and feel free to stick around if you like. Our little group isn't such a bad bunch once you get used to the random acts of insanity that transpire here. It becomes part of everyday life. :D

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