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body guard


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i thought id share this story with you


once a king lost his body guard in a war so he was looking for a new one


so a number of fitness and strenght competitions were held and 2 of the many people emerged as equal champions


so the king decides to choose the wiser of the two


he asks them "what would you do if i was captured by the enemy"


the 1st one relpies "your majesty i would fight my way through the enemy and rescue you if its the last thing i do"


the 2nd one replies "i wouldnt bethere your majesty"

the king says explain yourself


when he says your majesty i am your body guard and its my duty to protect you, so if the enemy ever got a chance to capture you then they would have to kill me first"


the king was impressed with the force in this man and chose him:D

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The End of the Raven

by:E. A. Poe's Cat


On a night quite unenchanting, when the rain was downward slanting,

I awakened to the ranting of the man I catch mice for.

Tipsy and a bit unshaven, in a tone I found quite craven,

Poe was talking to a raven perched above the chamber door.

"Raven's very tasty," thought I, as I tiptoed o'er the floor,

"There is nothing I like more."


Soft upon the rug I treaded, calm and careful as I headed

Towards his roost atop the dreaded bust of pallas I deplore.

While the bard and birdie chattered, I made sure that nothing clattered,

Creaked, or snapped, or fell, or shattered, as I crossed the corridor;

For his house is crammed with trinkets, curios and weird decor -

Bric-a-brac and junk galore.


Still the raven never fluttered, standing stock-still as he uttered,

In a voice that shrieked and sputtered, his two cents' worth - "Nevermore."

While this dirge the birdbrain kept up, oh, so silently I crept up,

Then I crouched and quickly lept up, pouncing on the feathered bore.

Soon he was a heap of plumage, and a little blood and gore

Only this and not much more.


"Oooo!" my pickled poet cried out, "Pussycat, it's time I dried out!

Never sat I in my hideout talking to a bird before;

How I've wallowed in self-pity, while my gallant, valiant kitty

Put an end to that damn ditty", then I heard him start to snore.

Back atop the door I clambered, eyed the statue I abhor,

Jumped - and smashed it on the floor.

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That's not long, the real poem called "The Raven", is like 4 times that long, but it is my favorite poem to read. I have a different insight every time I read it. On poetry here is a much smaller proverb that I've memorized.


He who knows, and knows he knows,

he is wise, follow him.

He who knows, but knows not he knows,

he is asleep, wake him.

He who knows not, but knows not he knows not,

he is a fool, shun him.

He who knows not, and knows he knows not,

he is a child, teach him.


- Ancient Malay Proverb -

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Edgar Allen Poe! The Raven! Don't you people have any proper skoolin. (Ethan Allen? Ain't the name of the guy who paints?) Stupid Jawa off computer now! I'm being invaded by Jawa's. One of which owns a dreamcast. (Hey skkoolin is spelt wrong! It aint even the proper nunciation, and theirs 2 k's in skoolin.) Stupid Jawa, you go squish now. (Ouch.)::jawa

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*Shameless plug*

Join the Altus clan! I don't know the actual address just click the link on krkode's sig.

*End Shameless Plug*


The fair sweet lost love Lenore?

Of whom he had, qouth the Raven, "Nevermore?"


I'm working on getting another version of the raven. Maybe later on next week.

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