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Is my sense of humor destroying everything except LYSOL?

Admiral Casaba the 3rd

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Originally posted by the_xxxxx

Neither the Vikings or Columbus discovered America. Noone did. I mean, how can you possibly discover a huge continent, that has always been there? And even if it was discovered, it was discovered by the Indians who lived there


By 'discovering' I mean the first Europeans to kill and loot and pollute America... I mean, build a settlement there. That's what I were meant to say, the first Europeans to colonize a part of the Americas were the Vikings.

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Originally posted by Haggis


By 'discovering' I mean the first Europeans to kill and loot and pollute America... I mean, build a settlement there.


You sound bitter about established civilization. Perhaps your your a closet anarchist.;)


It was only a joke :(

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OK, I get it. It's OK, I can take it. Well, I'm not against established civilization, it's the way that it's established what bugs me. Those Europeans could have just ask nicely if they could have all the gold there please, instead of killing all those people because they're different. The problem with Europeans is, they have always thought that they're superior, and that there culture is so great. But when you look closely at history, you see that every civilization is very advanced in one way or another. The Egyptians, Aztecs, Chinese.... what was I trying to make clear again? Er.... we shouldn't have settled in America.

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I agree to a certain point. But then all those other great civilisations also caused many atrocities, I think it is human nature, with to much power in our hands. Lets hope we really do learn.


p.s No we shouldnt have settled in America.....look what we created!!! :D

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Originally posted by NiKo


i know how you feel, just imagine what people ask me about israel.

they asume we travel by camels. live in a tent in the middle of the dessert, have black skin and black hair,and wear funny hats and dresses.......but thats not Israel! thats what arabic country's look like.

they asume that just because both places are located in the middle east, they are both the same. NOT!

if america would be set in the mid east, would there be big changes? no, just in the atmosphere.


yeah, i know how you feel......every damn day i get a freaking tourist from conneticut coming to the island and they tell me total bull ****.....like, "just say no to drugs" "dont be a 'gangsta'".....AHHHH! just because im from new york people think im dumb and a junkie.....it pisses me off...

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Originally posted by Haggis

The problem with Europeans is, they have always thought that they're superior, and that there culture is so great.


That's not an European country, all humans and all people have this when they are faced with something that doesn't look complicated.


Haven't you ever not made a ... puzzle because it looked to easy? And did you also tell everyone that the puzzle was so easy and that you were the only person that thought that?

(ehh.. in your case.. no.. but try to imagine will ya ;))

that's finding oneself superior AND bragging about it.


But the first European settlers were superior to the Native Americans (in technology), they just abused it.

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well isn't everyone a little bit european. I mean if you live near the Pacific ocean most likely your a european because people from europe traveled across there AND landed near mass.,new hampshire, marland and so forth. Actually the Chinese thought they were the BEST civilization(that was years ago) They thought they were superior compared to India and Africa and Australia and all other European countries. And the togokuwas (from China) banned all sea trading and stuff because they found out that there was nothing really to trade. It's in your world history books pg 167 i think! N E ways Europeans are interesting and who ever insults them I swear to god i'll kick their @$$


announcer: And that's Casaba!

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How is there a little bit of Europeans in every single country? What about places like China and Japan? Or Eithiopia? I'm a lil confused on that matter.


Also, untill 101 years ago, the states of Australia were still 6seperate colonies of England, so by rights, in terms of a country, Australia is still fairly new (ok I know Australia was discovered in the 1700's that's not what I mean) in comparison to other countries, especially the European countries like Scotland and England which have soooooooooo much history dating back to god only knows when.


I'm proud to call myself an Australian, but I don't deny where my ancestors came from, the majority of them came from England and were probably crooks- there's a book at my Grandma's that has info on some of the first of my ancestors that came to Australia, but I've also got Irish blood in me- but that's on my mum's side, which she doesn't seem to care about

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According to several textbooks:


30,000 - 10,000 BC – The hominids had only colonized Africa, Europe and Asia, but now reached out even farther and occupied the remaining continents of Australia and the Americas. They were helped by the climate. The world was still then in the grip of the last Ice Age with glaciers reaching as far south as what are now Berlin, London and Chicago. And this freezing reduced the sea level - just as the greenhouse effect threatens to raise sea levels by melting polar ice now.


As the sea receded, land bridges appeared. So Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia the Philippines, and the Americas were all either joined or within a short boating distance of each other - and the first (what are now Australians) set foot in the uninhabited continent some time during the last Ice Age. They were to spread throughout the land and establish their own independent cultural traditions, isolated from the rest of humanity for tens of thousands of years until European ships re-established contact.


All this is long before Noone, Columbus and other (so-called) explorers. I'm not surprised that Cassaba got banned. In 30,000 years, we still haven't grown past the hominid mentality. :(

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Okay, I'm confused. I haven't gotten involved myself in this topic but now I understand Admiral was banned.... What does this have to do with Monkey Island? And all I have to say is USA is all the way (and I like Europe, there's nothing wrong with Europe.) A lot of great actors from Europe.... Ian McKellan.... Uhm... Why did I post this again?

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