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specter of the past


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I STRONGLY advice you read the Thrawn Trilogy first. While the Hand of Thrawn Dualegy is a story on it's on, for a great part it continues on the events that took place in the Thrawn Trilogy.


In the Thrawn Trilogy you also meet most of the import non-movie charachters in Hand of Thrawn like Mara Jade, Talon Karrde, Pelleon, The Noghri and of course, Thrawn himself ...


The Thrawn Trilogy is a must-read anyway, I'd recommend it to everyone who wants to read Star Wars to read it as first (Or else Shadows of the Empire or X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)

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Well the The Hand of Thrawn series takes place after Thrawn. So ya you really should read the Thrawn Trilogy first. Well anyway I think when starting to read star wars DarkSaber is a good starter book and then the Zahn series althoujgh I don't know much about the Rogue Squadron Books..

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I have read all of the books that fall into the time line of the New Republic. Basically these are all of the books from the destruction of the second Death Star :deathii: to the New Jedi Order series. Most of them are pretty good.


If you want to start at the beginning, then start with Truce at Bakura. You get to see what happens immediately following the Battle of Endor.


If you want to start with a good series that has one of the best plots, start with the Thrawn Trilogy. You get to see a lot of the background characters that you always heard about, but you never got to know.


If you want to start with a very good series that lets you see the Star Wars universe from a different perspective, then try reading the Rogue Squadron series. You get to see things from the point of view of people like Wedge Antilles and Corran Horn. You really get to see into their pasts and get to know them better. Even though there aren't the usual regulars (like Luke, Han, Chewie, and the rest) this series stands above all the rest.


Personally, my favorite series is the Rogue Squadron series, closely followed by the Thrawn Trilogy. The Thrawn Duology (Specter of the Past and Visions of the Future) probably come in a close third.


Well, I hope that helps you out a bit. Have fun readin them all.

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I started with the Thrawn trilogy because my Dad had it...little did I know I would become adicted to Star Wars books...


Since then I have read 156 other SW books...with a grand total of 157 SW books ( I recently counted them all)


Read the Thrawn Trilogy first...then read Rogue Squadron through all of the Isard stuff then read Hand of Thrawn dualogy and then the rest of Rogue Squadron...


From there pick books out and read them even if you just pick the SW book with the coolest looking cover....the vast majority of the books are a blast to read...


So have fun in that Galaxy far far away...


Me...I'm not reading anything...NJO has hooked me and I may have to wait till the next book comes out before I'm able to read again:D

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157???!!! never knew there were so many. guess that means i have only read about 1/3 of them. by the way, where do you get the number 157? is that counting the comics? or is there some series i completely looked over. i know there are the books from around episode 1, and i have jsut started to get to them. as far as anythign from the new republic timeline, i have read all of the novels, at least i think so.

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Thats counting SW Novels only...some arn't in most stores anymore though...


I know this person who has about 180+ SW books...(they just catalog and collect after they read them) It is their hobby...


Me...I just take good care of my SW books that I read...

(the number does not include books from Galaxy of Fear or most of the new children's SW Books which she collected, but I don't)


I just love SW books and started reading them when I was about 7 or 8 years old and just got addicted to reading them...

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