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Sam & Max background images / wallpapers


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Well, some people LIKE to hear praise for their work, or at least something they did. I made a lot of stuff (such as the Grim Fandango CD cover funny thing that was on Mixnmojo) but no one really cares about it/them. Praise is good to get when you display your work. So stop complaining.

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I think all that SyntheticGerbil meant is that many people in forums like to make one-worded/sentenced posts simply to add to their posting number, in case that forum has special features unlocked by the number of posts you have made. Many people at the forum I moderate do that, anyway, so it's fun closing threads/taking posts away :p


Anyway, iisaac, I have a wallpaper of sorts... I made it years ago, so it's just been sitting there. I uploaded it to http://green.airashii.org/sammaxusa.jpg (you can only right-click on it and "Save Target As..." with IE / whatever you'd do with 'Scape) and it's of course the Hit The Road USA Map picture (it's actually many pics put together to get each of the locations doing their "thing" as they move). I'm probably going to take it down later, so it'd be better if you downloaded it and uploaded it to your account. It's freakin' big because I compressed it with the least amount of compression (10 with Adobe PhotoDeluxe).


I could scan the game included with the manual if you want :D

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Oh I get it.. but as you see I just backed it up so I'm OKAY!


I don't care for the number of posts really... I just like to:

a.) Post where I want to express my opinion, and

b.) See what new title I get :D



By the way, don't look now, but your link isn't working...

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