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adventure game engines!


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I have to say from my experience SLUDGE is by far the best engine about that I've found ive tried, AGAST, AGS, Twilight, MAD and SAGE and i have to say the sludge seems the most professinal and stable of the lot, with the most features and a proper Development suite.


But, (there is allways a but), i does cost you £35 (or $50), for the full development kit which gives you all the functions that are missing (not that many, but important ones) and no annoying popup when you run your game. But then again im sure you happily spend £35 on a game, so why not spend £35 on creating lots of games :)? I am.


http://www.hungrysoftware.com is where you can get the demo of the Dev Kit and the Engine (which is free), at, its really quite easy and powerful to use ive found.


PS It runs fine on XP, (I have a KyroII based GFX board), where as AGS failed.


Anyway :)

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i would think AGS is great for a simple game.....but if you doing a huge production then you better search around, there is a new version of RoBoT (version 4.0) that's being designed to accept AVI files, (basically that means you can do cutscenes) SCUMM is also fairly good at adventure game making. My advice is to search around, find what's most comfortable to you.

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I personally do not recommend:



...coz it lacks features like LOAD/SAVE and more of those features.



...coz it is still DOS based (especially the editor) and is slow (it does not support DirectX etcetera). BUT If you have a non-NT based OS, you could give it a try. AGS has the best amateur scene at the moment, because it exists for quite some time now and is still being improved.



....coz it lacks features and is still in a alpha stage. User unfriendly environment.



...coz it just sucks. Not worth the term "engine".....yet.



...coz development stopped and wasn't completed yet.





If I had to choose from all the available engines, I would choose SLUDGE. (http://www.hungrysoftware.com). It's worth the cash and it is more modern than AGS, although the tools could be improved (but hey, it's still at v1.1 :-)


Or wait a month and use Glumol which will blow all the above away. I am sure.

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Originally posted by Dacloo

I personally do not recommend:



...coz it lacks features like LOAD/SAVE and more of those features.



...coz it is still DOS based (especially the editor) and is slow (it does not support DirectX etcetera). BUT If you have a non-NT based OS, you could give it a try. AGS has the best amateur scene at the moment, because it exists for quite some time now and is still being improved.



...coz it just sucks. Not worth the term "engine".....yet.



Agast: You can write your own save/load routines easily enough

AGS: There is a windows version of the engine as well

ROBOT: i don't think "coz it just sucks" is even worth a response

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Were would you get the knowledge to make your own engine, is it one of those things you just learn over time by useing difffernt engines and getting better at programing?


Originally posted by Courthold

uh huh......

although, the majority of people don't have the knowledge or time to create their own engines :)

Ones that have been made, like AGS and AGAST are very good, and highly reccomended.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree that RoBOT's still in very early development stages, but with some tweaking it's definetely possible to already make a decent adventure game.


Some of the things we're proud of is the ability to use PSD files which allows your characters to have smooth edges (anti-aliasing) and even transparancy!!!


We're strugling with a good pathfinding system, though. That's basicly the thorn in our programmers side and the reason why development is taking so long.


If you're interested in RoBOT's current features you should visit our site :)



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Originally posted by ED

I've developed my own engine using the Games Factory. I took scuryliver movement engine then built my own verb and inventry systems. The first game that it will be in is MI2.5 which is being made as I type this.


I've really got to find out where you learn this stuff....

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experimanting, I disided one day that I would make a adventure game engine and then set to work. Scurvy's tuts helped and I used the monkey games save and load system. The things that I made were the invintery system and the verbs.

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