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Whats The Deal With Girls And The Phone?!?!?


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ok this will take me a little while to explain......


k met this girl...went out a little....she called me.....i told her to stop calling me because she was racking up my phone bill.....she calls me anyways....at least 3 times a day for 3 hours....i broke up with her....she got mad....i hate her....she hates me.....but few days later....i get a call from her....i get my phone provider to ban her number.....she calls from her friends house using up their phone line and mine too!!!!! whats with her...she wont quit.....and if she doesnt stop soon im afriad ill literally rip my phone off the wall and chuck it out the window....make it stop...please...help!....HELP!!!....HEEEEELLLLLP MEEEE!!! HEEELLLLPPP ME GOD!!!!

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

You could always call the cops seeing as how she's kind of stocking you... :D


Hey Rhett, do you get low on supplies and need restocked often? :D


perhaps you mean she's "stalking" him? ;)



Well Xizor, all I can say is... call the phone provider and have your numbered changed and unlisted. Good luck, psycho women are the worst!!!!

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Originally posted by SithMaster2003

when did the forums become a place for guys to dump their stories/complaints about women???


I once did a Math question here ... it is off-topic.


Why don't you call her and ask her to quit? Or anyway ... ask her why she does it and ask her nicely to quit with it.


If she dosn't ... you have all the rights to ask a COP for help.

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See, its times like these when we really need some women on this board...


Anyways, like sithmaster said, whenever she calls you just don't say anything to her at all and hang up. that, or just start breathing into the phone until she gets either scared or annoyed and hangs up. :D

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Originally posted by SithMaster2003

when she calls, do you sit there and talk to her, or do you hang up?



Hang up And Hope She Doesnt Call Again....Somtimes I Make my Voice Higher And Tell Her She Has The Wrong #....But That Usually Makes Her Call Back Anyways Thinking Itll Be The Right #

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