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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

There are many different levels and ages of posters here. I, myself, am one of the ancients. :D


First off, welcome LTRAsthmatic and WedgeAntilles!


Yep, me and you are ancient here, and there are a couple of other people (maybe 4 or 5) that joined the first day as well, including 15. I'd consider that pretty ancient, since we've been here since the beginning of time!!! Then we have people like Rom and Ferg and Leo..n who got here a week or so later, there old, but not quite as old as the mods and us. :D


WOW, i just by chance figured out that if you highlight the smile smiley then it looks like it is sad! Aren't you pround of me! ;)

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But that LTRAsthmatic guy... only have one post.... is he gone now???? or did go under another name??? and is wedge banned for good or what??






"So here I am stark naked, locked out of my quarters, running around the corridors looking for a towel, a rag, anything, and I turn a corner and bump right into the executive officer. He has about the same sense of humor as a Wookiee with a rash. So I throw my best salute and say, 'Major, I regret to report only partial succes with the Personal Cloaking Device.'"

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