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Creationism vs Science


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Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo

"Evolution as a concept is completely compatible with the Bible." No it most certainly does NOT! In the Bible it CLEARLY says that God created everything, and he saw that it was PERFECT. This leaves no room for evolution. some things adapt and change, but they NEVER "evolve."



The concept of evolution is that life changes. This does NOT neccessarily include the Big Bang and all that crap. I am referring to evolution as a concept. The world was an entirely different place before the Flood. Thanks to the greenhouse layer, or the firmament, the layer of water that Havoc referred to. there were no hostile environments. There were, however, after the Curse and especially, after the Flood. But God gave animals the capability to change, which is why (in reference to my previous example) polar bears are so perfectly adapted to the Arctic. But still, the environment is not perfect. Nothing in this world is perfect any more; it is a ruined perfection thanks to human folly. And if you want to play word games, God "saw that it was good." And to evolve is to change and adapt. That much should be obvious.


But I concede that the theories that people generally understand to fit under "evolution" are generally quite ludicrous.


@Crazy Dog: The Big Bang has not been proven, and cannot be proven.


and rogue leader or whoever asked me for my "many points." analogous and homologous isnt the only thing that proves the theory of evolution. similarities in dna coding and protein synthesis up to a certain point between organisms point out that they WERE of the same ancestor at one point and that they DID evolve from each other. that is the greatest proof of life and the theory of life there is.


There is a simple explanation for the similarities between humans and apes, and all life on the planet, and that is that they were created by the same Person! Evolution on the scale you imagine would take trillions of years and better random chance than you can ever imagine. I can get into reasons why the earth can't be more than a few thousand years old, but I haven't the time :p


@Artoo: Methuselah actually died slightly before the Flood.

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Oooooh. I see now. I didn't know where he fit in the timeline. In defense of dogs. If you call a dog, it answers. If you call a cat, you get an answering machine saying I don't want to see you right now, come back later. At least this is all the cats I have seen. But I still think cats are cooler. Cats could survive in the wilderness better than dogs. If you've ever seen the crocodile hunter more than once, you know that he goes after feral animals in Ausdtralia. And what does he encounter? Cats! Not dogs that have gotten loose, but cats that have gotten loose. He never sees dogs that are survivng in the wild cause they got seperated from their owners. It's always cats. Another point. You see the common polecat. Every animal knows to avoid the polecat. Even the cat. Except for dogs. They run at it barking, and get sprayed in the face several times rapidly and stink horribly. Cats have better instincts than dogs.

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