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Who's Jealous?!


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Wow, Murray, a genuine d'oh!? I want one!


OK, I'm done with making the sort of joke I make in real life now...


And yes, Frenchy, I am slghtly jealous, but less-so because I have a shiny new PS2. Not as grand, but please grant me my pride...

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Originally posted by Meksilon

I still own my SNES :D, so there - now who's Jealous?




Funny you mention SNES, I am currently looking for an SNES emulator on google. And I was going to ask you guys for help but i though it wouldn't be the right forum. I Have a SNES, N64, GB, GB Color, Computer (Duh), Laptop, and a friend that has a PS2 with Final Fantasy X, Tony Hawk 3, and CrashBandit! So ha!


PS I also have a 24x burner, and a DVD-ROM Drive.

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Congratulations Frenchyd! :)

I can understand you are happy with your XBox, it’s the consol that will capture the market.

I’ll buy one later this year when more titles are available.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the next MI game (if it comes) will first be designed for the XBox.

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2 GameBoys

2 GameBoys

Master System

Mega Drive (Genesis to weirdos)


NES + Scope + Lightgun


2 Playstations


4 PCs (Only 2 top-spec)

Crap loads of peripherals and games for them


Did have an N64 but I sold


Now I have a job I'm getting me a PS2, then an X-Box and GameCube.

BTW Frenchy - I'm not jealous that you have an X-Box, just pissed that it's being wasted on a girl :p


GB122 - Buy GTA3 first I think, but MGS2 ASAP afterwards and then THPS3 (how's that for a crap load of abbreviations). There are soem other games that I wanted to recommend, but I'm drawing a bank

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I Have a SNES, N64, GB, GB Color, Computer (Duh), Laptop, and a friend that has a PS2 with Final Fantasy X, Tony Hawk 3, and CrashBandit! So ha!

Let's see... I have a GB, NES, N64, 1 PC with a Canon S450 printer and a scanner, and another PC with an external 8-4-32 CD-writer and a wireless IntelliMouse® Explorer, and I also own a Palm m105.


Oh yeah, and XBox sucks, I'll wait until the Game Cube is here, that is the console of the future.

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Console oif the fture? Load of arse. Nintendo sell only to their key faithful. NES, rules. Game Boy, ruled. SNES, ruled (still does). N64...sucked ass. I don't see why everyone's so up on GoldenEye. It's crap; 'ooh, guard, shoot him, salvage ammo. Repeat until you find guard with key'. VERY simpistic. Compare it to the wonders of Deus Ex, Half-Life, and Project IGI; I know it's good game, but it isn't great. There's only 1 decent 64 series, and that's the Zelda series. Speaking of which, why is it called the 'N64' anyway? 64MB of RAM isn't exactly that exciting; why not quote the processor speed, or graphics card? But, I digress. I can see that the NIntendo games have their charms, but they tend to be to simplistic for me; too many bloody platformers where all you do is jump on enemies heads and collect items. It goes againts my gaming philosophy.


Just my two pence.

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Originally posted by Feral

Natty: It's a console made by Microsoft. It's not out in Britain yet, so I presume it isn't out in Aus either, but I may be wrong.


Nopes- not out here yet, if it had been my bf would have been babbling on about it, it probably won't be out here for another year or something anyways :p we're so far behind the times :mad:

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