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Game time!


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Lets liven up this place a bit...


Kind of a take on NiKo's survivor game.


I will pose a question based on a specific spot in any one of the four monkey island games. (Such as 'who said this line' or 'how many charcters are in this scene')


The first person that emails me the correct answer stays in the game, and so on down to the final person who will be elminated.


Winner recives several things, including pride, recognition, and bragging rights...:p


First 7 people to reply they want in will be in.




Then again this thing could just flop, oh well


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No problem, we'll go with 8 people.


First question:


What 2 different types of animals do you interact with on Scabb Island in Monkey Island 2?



(whoever emails me this answer first will not be able to be eliminated next round)


What are their names?

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Round 1 Complete!


1 Guybrush122

2 NiKo

3 Huz

4 Murta

5 Deadmeat

6 Feral *bonus*

7 Fender

8 Griswold (eliminated)



Congrats to all , especially Feral who cannot be eliminated next round with the correct bonus answer of:


Rat-Muenster Moster and Alligator-Pegbiter


(Deadmeat stated Pegbiter and Jojo which I accepted because I was not specific in the time period on Scabb Island)


New question soon...

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