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Jedi Knotes #4


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First post on this forum, and by far, I'm impressed. You guys keep up with the news!


:c3po: Advanced movement system? Fully animated skeletal models? Dynamic music? This is going to be a treasure cove for myself and other roleplay fanatics. Think of the mods you could make, akin to Draven Island in the original JediKnight.


I myself love 'trap' levels. Ones where you can trigger explosions, release magnetic fields so your opponent is sucked into space... And my favourite, slowly lowering an opponent into a pit of lava a few times.


I went off topic for a moment there. :sheepishgrin:

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sort of unrelated to JK2, but I wonder if anyone here knows the first Raven game to use 'dynamic music' and how it worked? It was pretty crude by today's standards, but it did at least react to your actions and environment. Guesses anyone? :p

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Why on earth do you have to go away for that long, ed? Will you still be posting here? Looks like we'll have to say farewell (for a while) to another long-standing forum member. First digl, now you... :(


It's a gap-year thang. I'm off to see the world before I get entrenched in commitments like uni and work.


And yes, I'll drop into the forums whenever I get chance to visit a cyber-café on my travels. :)

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Originally posted by MRJ

sort of unrelated to JK2, but I wonder if anyone here knows the first Raven game to use 'dynamic music' and how it worked? It was pretty crude by today's standards, but it did at least react to your actions and environment. Guesses anyone? :p


Hmm... I'm going to guess... Shadow Caster?

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Originally posted by MRJ

sort of unrelated to JK2, but I wonder if anyone here knows the first Raven game to use 'dynamic music' and how it worked? It was pretty crude by today's standards, but it did at least react to your actions and environment. Guesses anyone? :p


I'll take a guess at Take No Prisoners...which is a complete shot in the dark. ;)

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It was ShadowCaster- it was a rather simple setup, with level music for most of the time, but when enemies detected you or you were attacking, it would play a 'combat theme', and then when you killed something it played a 'victory theme'. Crude, but it did actually react to your actions.


And ChangKhan, YOUR answer doesn't count :p

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Since it's official that there will be rolls, flips and wall jumps, I wonder how these will be performed. Will there be an evasion button, and if so, I wonder if they got the idea from Shadow X's Saber Battle X.


I hope that's how it's setup because it couldn't work in a better way if you ask me.:)

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There could be several ways to do it. First, you could try a hotkey setup; a bit to extensive if you ask me. Having to devote as many keys to rolls, flips and jumps is confusing and inconvenient.


Then there's that 'evasive key' you mentioned Slowbie. That works for me. Assigning it around the movement keys or to the middle mouse button would be great.


Then, there's involuntary advanced movement. If you press the 'move back' key and the jump key, you would do a forward flip. If you ran up to a wall and helf the jump key, you would wall jump. This would be nifty, possibly on par with the adv. movement keybind idea above.


Which would be best, do you think?

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I have no way knowing how those things will be performed, but I think developers mostly watched movies again and again just to get an idea, how Jedis move when they fight; of course TPM must have been the one which they drew most of their inspiration from. I remember that some guys from original JK & MotS development teams told much earlier in one interview that they had been watching how community started to modify these games, so LEC might have been taken quietly notice, what people wanted to see; flips, flips, flips, lightsaber hilt in hand without extended blade, lot's of new moves, some sort of regional damage etc. :lsduel: It's also interesting fact that while Infernal Machine, for example, used modified Jedi Knight engine and LEC didn't give permission to edit it, it featured new moves like rolls and backward jump which people would have wanted to see Jedi perform; they partially gave us in advance what we wanted to see, but in another form. :indy:

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I always found balancing force powers difficult. Having to press one button to scroll through them and the other to use them is inconvenient, at the very best.


I hope they improve this system somehow. Maybe the F-keys could be of some assistance, like they were in the original JK. The F-1 through 4 keys could be neutral and the rest could be used for individual powers. That really depends on Raven and their decisions on force powers, et al ad nauseum.

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I always assigned every force power (EVERY force power) individually to a key on the numpad. Thus, if I hit numpad 3 i got absorb, 5 got protection, 0 was heal (nice and big), 1 was jump, 2 speed, 4 sight, 7 grip, 8 throw i think, 9 pull etc. It's been more than 6 months since I last played and I still remember them:D :cool::rolleyes:. That worked really well. Generall stuff I used more was closer to the movemet keys, so i could just reach over with my little finger.

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My basic control set up for any first person shooter lies around the arrow keys.


Arrow Keys for movement; Insert, Home etc for reloading, grenades and voice scripts; Enter, Shift, and Ctrl as Walk, Crouch and Jump, respectively; the numpad is used for weapon binds, although in JK2, I'll be able to devote them to the force and other things.


This is actually an Unreal Tournament setup which I adopted. Fantastic maneuverability, easy key access and allows the use of the mouse. It's possibly the most versatile config, and if there is a better one, I'm yet to find it. :lopsided grin:

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i use the typical WASD movement setup with all nearby keys used for force powers, etc. except for z and w, which were simply too inconvient to reach in battle.


although you had a few odd guys(jeb_springfield for one) who managed to play with hot keys, etc. spread out all over the keyboard, the majority of JK players played with setups that allowed them to access keys that they needed in a split second without moving their hand.

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