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HELP with diving!!!!!!


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Please help me!!

I am currently stuck in the challenge with Marco de Pollo. I know that i have to use the bagel and the lotion, but the problem is that i don't have any bagel..i picked one up, and i don't know where it has gone. If i go back to buccanneers, guybrush won't take any because its grosse!!

How can i beat marco de pollo???


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  • 7 years later...

I'm having the exact same problem. Has anyone got any answers? I can't find it in my inventory at all and Guybrush won't take any more bagels.


I think I remember using the chewed up bagel with something else in my inventory but I can't remember what it was. Grog maybe.


I've tried to use everything in my inventory on the diver's baby seal oil but nothing works. It's driving me crazy.

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