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Which civ is your favorite?


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(Ooops, posted this in the wrong area... I'll try again here in the right place... sorry about that.)


So, which civilization is everyone's favorite? And is that the civ you play the most often? (Does anyone end up playing a civ that's not their favorite the most often?)


I'll start. The Rebel Alliance is my favorite. I love having R2 units as my workers, and they have really good Jedi and Air power (my favorite units). They do have weak mechs, but I'm not a huge mech fan anyway. And their unique unit, the Air Speeder, is quite useful as an airborne mech destroyer.


On the other hand, I mostly play the computer, which doesn't use, or defend properly against, air attacks. Perhaps if I played against a properly defended human player I wouldn't like air power quite as much as I do...


Who else has an opinion to share? No flames, please, and no "here's why I despise civ X"... just your favorite civ and why you like it.


May the Force be with you.

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I'll have to weigh in on the side of the trade federation too. The biggest reason why: No prefab shelters needed. I admit that I'm lazy and having to sit there and build 30-40 buildings that serve no purpose gets on my nerves. There are always other things to be doing than clicking over and over building shelters.


Other than that, I'm a mech guy. Troops just don't have the hp's to stand up to much fighting. Using mechs with the hp upgrades lets them take out quite a few troopers/other mechs. The resources to build to units(resources) destroyed for the other side ratio is usually in my favor.


Then again, the laziness factor kicks in. You don't have to replace killed mechs as often as killed troops, thus less time spent clicking on the troop center over and over then moving the troops back to the battle.

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I would have said Trade Fed at first, but I have been gradually playing Rebels more often than not now.

But I think I am going to start playing Wookies, I havn't played them once yet!!! (and I have had the game since it was first released) Because they have strong mechs, infantry and air. These are the strengths I play to. I never use Jedi or naval units. Therefore Wookies RULE! :cool:

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Originally posted by duder

I would have said Trade Fed at first, but I have been gradually playing Rebels more often than not now.


But I think I am going to start playing Wookies, I havn't played them once yet!!! (and I have had the game since it was first released) Because they have strong mechs, infantry and air. These are the strengths I play to. I never use Jedi or naval units. Therefore Wookies RULE! :cool:


Wookiees are quite good as a civ, particularly their regeneration ability and their Berserker unit, which chews mechs to pieces.

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Trade Federation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I said they'd be my favorite before I even played them, and they still are!!!!! No stupid prefab shelter, droidekas are awesome! everything about them is cool! except for their slow carbon gathering.

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Originally posted by Chessack


Wookiees are quite good as a civ, particularly their regeneration ability and their Berserker unit, which chews mechs to pieces.


I just played my firat ever game with wookies, I lost, but it was a very good, close, long game. We constantly rushed each other to no avail. Eventually his faambaa shield generators were too much for me. The mobile shielding proved decisive.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

So far I love using the empire....mostly for the units that I know and love from the movies and other games. I just love pounding an enemies defenses with tie bombers and defenders and then sending in the At-Ats, At-Sts and darktroopers in to finsih the job.

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Originally posted by Gungan_Reble

It's Gungans for me, I also play Naboo as well ;)

P S I think this topic has been raised befor :D :D :D


Yes but things have changed since then :rolleyes:


p.s. reble would you like a game now? If so log onto the zone.

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Originally posted by Com Raven

I'd say Naboo from the liking point, cuz there structures and stuff look really great (good work by artist), but gameplay wise the Rebels, as they are Naboo's useful bro's ...


This is another good point. What's cool about this game is the "special effects" -- the star wars stuff, like having the Sith Knight make an evil laugh when you click on him, or having the AT-ATs look and sound just like the ones from Empire Strikes Back. Sometimes I build units just because they are cool, whether I need them or not. And that's part of the fun of it. :)

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Yep, Air and Jedi units are my 2 favorites. They have a great Star Wars flavor to them (sound effects, etc), and I like the way they work in the game. Air power in particular. Thus, like you, the Rebs and Naboo are my real favorites.


I do wish they had made one more 'evil' civ, that is, with Sith forces and stuff. Both of the powerful Jedi civs are good guys... I'd like to see some really kick-butt Sith out there too, and we really can't, since the Force is not really a strong suit for the TF or the GE... Same is true for Air power as well. So, there's my idea for an expansion. Add another evil civ with powerful Force ad Air Unit upgrades, on par with the Rebels or the Naboo.

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