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Recording of your voice?


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Originally posted by NiKo

(((( then it hit me... we've never even seen pics of fender & GB122....)))


Your bluddy lucky you aint seen me! I'll try and find a good pic of me.





























I've seen GB's Girlfreinds Pic, does that count?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awwwwwww NiKo and Neil made me blush, especially Neil for saying I've put some happiness into his life :) But NiKo also made me blush coz he said I sound sexy :D


I can't do the stereotypical 'crocodile hunter' type accent, I always end up sounding American. That's probably what I get for watching way too many American TV shows :p Then again, I think we're way to Americanized- what's the deal with try-hard homies everywhere? You can't do that, you gotta wear the ripped jeans, blue singlet, flannel shirt, thongs and mullet haircut and be a bogen. I should probably find a pic of a bogen :D

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england is too americanized too. i watch about ten american shows in one day and about two english shows, eatsenders adn only fools and horses if it's on. honestly, i watch the simpsons, buffy (for specific reasons, most guys will know why, also some girls) all of the sitconms, friends, frasier, seinfeld, spin sity, adn i also watch all of the american movies. i think i need a whole day of uk gold to get me better.

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Now that uve mention it Natty, ur voice does sound sexy!! id love to go out a gurl that talks like that..I guess its because I dont hear a Aussy female voice everyday!! My voice is drop dead sexy!!Past experience....

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In some ways its good in others it's crap coz I wanna be individual, hence why I get so irritated when you see wankers walking down the street with jeans 5sizes to big which means they're falling down around their knees. What's the point in having a belt? My friend does this, and he wears boxer shorts underneath, which are pulled up properly. I'm sorry for someone who claims to be so self feashion concious, he seems to forget to wear pants that actually fit instead of being 5sizes to big and looking stoopid :rolleyes:

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