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Some questions about preordering.

Guest Obi

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<font color=cbcbff> I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on some things about preordering that are unclear to me.


What confuses me are the shipping times. If you preorder something, do they ship them on the day of release, or prior to it? What I mean is, on release day, you can go to the store and buy Jedi Outcast. But if they ship it on release day, then you have to wait 10 days for fedex to drop it at your doorstep, therefore, the people who just happened to walk down the aisle and pick it up on release day would get it before those that preordered it. Is that the case? Or do they ship it to you earlier so that you get it by release day? Any clarification would be appreciated. Thank you.

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It depends on the company, how far you are from their nearest warehouse, etc. etc.


I've never pre-ordered anything from LEC before, so I don't know what they're like in that area, but Amazon got Elite Force to me two days before it was in the shops, and Team17 had Worms World Party with me nearly a week before it hit the shops :D


You can either take your chances with pre-order (I'm going to) and maybe get it a few days before the shops have it, or wait until they do and go get it 'in the flesh', so to speak.


It's swings and roundabouts, really :(

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I've ordered plenty from LEC before. In my experience, I almost always get the title before it's in the stores. On a few occasions though, I got it around 5PM the day of the release. That probably had something to do with my Mail service though.


I'm almost 100% sure that LEC sends out individual copies on the same day that they send to the retail stores. I could be wrong however.


What I do know is, you may get a cheaper deal at either Amazon or EBGames... but you won't get it as quickly.

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<font color=cbcbff> Thanks for your input. I already pre-ordered it, but then I got to thinking :"....hmm, wait a second, I want this as SOON as it's humanly(or inhumanly)possible to obtain it!" and then I decided to see if I could gain some knowledge from your experiences. Sounds pretty positive to me. I'm not that worried.

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I preordered because no shipping no tax, when I get it is unknown, but ya know least you don't have to change your schedule just to get the game, it'll be at your doorstep, I've never pre-ordered anything online well or offline, I've only ordered things, I'm guessing we'll all get it maybe a week before since LEC seems to think this might be a big title. I mean that website? That's spif!

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