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I have a theory on when the demo will come out


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Originally posted by Aristotle

When LucasArts releases a demo, it's before the release of the actual game. Galactic Battlegrounds was the same way... in fact I don't think I've ever seen them release a demo after a game's actual release... always before.


Course I've only been covering them for 5 years... so some might have slipped through before then. ;)


Errr.... Force Commander? I know that it was a traumatic experience and that most of us are trying to forget it, but they didn't release the demo till AFTER they released the game...

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I remember the JK demo out months before the initall release of it and i remember downloading the Galactic Battlegrounds demo like 2 or 3 months before it was released. So i think we should except a demo for Jedi Outcast sometime in Febuary or by the end of January even. I MEAN MARCH IS 2 AND A HALF MONTHS AWAY. And I'm sure all of us would hope the game wouldn't be delayed but if it is then it usually is for good reason. And if a game is delayed, sometimes it is all the more better because it allows them to maybe add things they thought they couldn't. what would be nice if they added skins for MP for the charcters from Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. I mean since they are both coming out this year. he he he he.

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Originally posted by Locke101

I remember the JK demo out months before the initall release


Im glad someone else remembers this. In the UK the demo came out 3 months before the initial release. The demo came out, but then the games was delayed slightly (remember this is Lucasarts we're talking about), which is why it seemed to have come out so early.

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Hence, they should do like what Half Life had with the "UpLink" demo. Include a good mission that includes a decent representation of the full game, but doesn't give away anything by repeating a level.


Or maybe if that level is liked enough, it could be put into the full game, but with more stuff added on and it expanded (like UT did with its demo to full levels).



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Originally posted by Com Raven

I do, cuz all ye damned americans will play it and tll us how it rules while poor Rave and I have to wait ...


I too would have to wait...being a resident of UK! :(


Rave ...er, I think you'll find Kurgan's avatar is...Kurgan from Highlander. :rolleyes: (good film, BTW.)

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Originally posted by Com Raven


I do, cuz all ye damned americans will play it and tell us how it rules while poor Rave and I have to wait ...


I too would have to wait...being a resident of UK! :(


Same here :( :(


It's not fair! :(


...But I'll be happy as long as they pull another Elite Farce™ with the finished game!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D


...Don't s'pose we'll have such good luck again so soon tho... if we get it at the same time, I shan't moan :)

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