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The Art of Rap (Or why peopl don't like rap)

Rebel Loyaltist

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yeah, liek how busta rhymes got arrested cause hes not allowed to carry guns or wear keblar because he has 3 felony weapons violations, and P-diddy, yeah he didn't do it :rolleyes:


Thats liek saying that the Mob was never really like Godfather or Goodfellas, they jsut do it in the movies.

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You must understand that all these rappers had a really harsh life while growing up, often being in the lower class of society and seeing violence everywhere. Most of them end up hanging with the wrong crowd because they want to be part of group, be protected and respected so they can overcome the danger and fear.


When after a hard childhood, with many sacrifices, you finally obtain money and fame you just want to scream it to everyone else, tell to those who didn't believe in you to shut up. And when someone says you're a fake, after all you've suffered to get there, you just need to make that guy understand, it's called R.E.S.P.E.C.T. And when they simply ignore you, insult you and disrespect you by jealousy it ends up in violence, with the other side thinking the same way it goes on in a terrible cycle.


And all of this, telling that rappers are violent, that they get arrested or whatever has nothing to do with this thread. We are talking about music, MUSIC. And as far as I'm concerned I enjoy RAP. Building a good rap song, rhymes, can be as complicated as poetry, maybe even more because it requires a great amount of variations in the voices and way talking.


RAP is good music and has it's great and bad songs.

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Originally posted by Jem

Well I think you missed the key word in "Private Life" ;)

And I never said that it was ok for them to kill...


I'm trying to talk about rap music not the rapper's life.


When you are a public figure you have no 'private life'. And when all you talk about is your own life because you are not clever enough to write non YOU related lyrics, and only steal them from the police and Led Zepplin and various oother great artists, then your life is on trial sinc eits all we ever hear about :rolleyes:

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I've always hated Puff Daddy or P.Diddy (his new artist's name) for stealing LedZep's song "Kashimir" for his theme of the Godzilla movie. He also stole that great song from The Police for his dumb song dedicated to Biggie (who sucks and I hate aswell)

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lots of non-rap artists sample materials from other artists too...the basis of rap was taking a beat from another song and putting your own lyrics over them, it has evolved into taking samples from several different sources and combining them into one track...and some rap group do onot always sample, Black Eye Peas has their own band, and so do the Roots, who can compete as a band with any band in the world...

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